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  • What should I do when a girl keeps hitting me for no reason?

    I am a college student. Usually I hang around in the gaming center to play games with my friends.Then this girl who is taller than me just randomly hits me in the side. So much that this was getting to be a daily thing when she would appear there. This happened way too often so she was just doing it because I would not do anything back. She even once karate chopped the back of my neck that really hurt. and I asked her why she did that and she pretended that she had no idea what I was talking about. She has a boyfriend so its not like she likes me. after a couple more times. I told her off. So she stopped doing it. Than today she started doing it again. by hitting me with a water bottle to my face. asking me if I wanted water. I wanted to tell this ***** to stop as I was trying to play my game. So I told her ya I want the water. so she pulled my head back and told me she would water fall it so I just kept telling her no. she then lost interest and started hitting my friend who seems not to mind her hitting us for no reasons. But even though we are guys, we don't just hit each other all the time. What got me to want to tell her off is she almost tried to karate chop me in front of my neck, but she didn't even reach it, she did this without looking. I didn't want to be some pussy and walk away just because a girl was hitting me. So I took it like a man. But now it is getting annoying. Kind of confused if I should tell her off since it worked the first time or just walk away.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Can you describe your 9/11 experience?

    Need to interview people for my general pyschology class. Lots of details would be great :D

    4 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Where were you on 9/11?

    I Have to interview some people to determine flashbulb memory for general psychology. Feedback would be great :)

    4 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Can anyone answer my xbox related question?

    So i purchased dlc that was about $1.37 +taxes and fees with an old prepaid card. I expected there to be nothing in there since i havent checked how much i had in there for over 4 months. But regardless i got to download the dlc. Was i supposed to be able to download it and if i didnt pay for it despite the download being downloaded will i get a bill in the mail?

    1 AnswerXbox7 years ago
  • How hard is a 4 year college?

    Is going to a junior college more preferable than going to a 4 year one?

  • My computer is beeping what do i do?

    I unplugged all my computer cords while my computer was off and went up to geeksquad to help me fix the internet problems. They did nothing to it. at least i dont think so. And Then when i come home i replugged everything but now the computer wont boot up and i am getting a short beep than a long beep constantly. What do i do?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years ago
  • I need help with my computers internet connectivity?

    so one of my computers that hooks up to my modem does not get internet acess despite everything else being able to connect wirelessly. including my laptop. could i possibly be able to install a device that finds wifi and connect the computor to my wifi? or is there a feature like that on my computer already and it will just reject the devices feature and wont find the wifi? I have a compaq desktop that runs windows vista. its about 2 years old.

    3 AnswersComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Any great books on how to draw manga?

    There are so many and i have no clue which one to get since thier are so many. Any body experienced this problem and took a risk that they didnt regret later?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Who is the CEO for American Bank of Texas?

    i cant seem to find anything about the CEO

    1 AnswerCorporations8 years ago
  • What is your favorite original saying?

    I need some original sayings that are pretty clever and wise. The one i like the most gets the best answer.

    3 AnswersQuotations8 years ago
  • How long does it take a nail to grow back?

    My thumb nail popped off after recieving a death blow from a car door.

    1 AnswerMen's Health8 years ago
  • How do you make bacon?

    I've never made the stuff before. Guidance would be helpful. (also some dos and donts would be nice too.)

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Whats a good way to tell if noodles are ready?

    I rarely make noodles to eat and sometimes when I do. They end up tasting slimier then when my mother used to make them, but at the same time they looked cooked. Which is confusing for me because i dont think im doing them too wrong. Any easy way to tell when they are ready? Im rather impatient so i don't use a time limit for cooking since i put the heat pretty high but not at max and then sometimes i do since i want to eat right away. And Any experience that you would like to share regarding cooking noodles would also be helpful.

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Which way is better to eat pizza?

    The normal way i know is eating from the point of the pizza to the crust but i like to eat my pizza from the crust to the point. Which way is better to eat a slice of pizza?

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • A Code Geas question?

    So i was watching code geass and on episode 12 about 8-9 minutes in can you tell me what Nina was doing?

    4 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • what do i fo for wrong pizza orders?

    so i ordered two pizzas from domioes and i ordered 2 medium two topping pizzas and i noticed my toppings were correct but i noticed that the canadian bacon on both was extra crispy and i did not enjoy my pizzas to the fullest. i did not open the boxes to see what the pizza looked like before i paid but is there anything i can do about it? i dont ever recall ordering crispy canadian bacon

    3 AnswersOther - Dining Out8 years ago
  • If the sun got bigger. Would life start on other planets?

    Just a thought since Earth is bound to become lifeless someday because of the suns soon to be overwhelming size.

    8 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago