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Lv 4
Ghost asked in Social SciencePsychology · 6 years ago

Can you describe your 9/11 experience?

Need to interview people for my general pyschology class. Lots of details would be great :D

4 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    I had an appointment scheduled with a client, an hour's drive away, a big thing that had been weeks in the planning. As the story unfolded, I knew not to go and didn't even phone them. As it unfolded further, we didn't know if this was the beginning of WW3, if maybe ten countries now were going to stand up and say ya Fck the United States and join in presenting some giant coalition of countries that hated us and wanted us dead. It was an appallingly isolating thing - made us feel so alone. I meant everything when the Brits, at the changing the guard ceremony that day played their own national anthem as usual, then immediately played the US national anthem too. Not a word said, not a beat missed, they just did it. Made us cry in relief and reassurance.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I'm going to level with you also I'm going to tell you the truth of how I really felt that day because this is the Internet and you can't judge me.

    We were in Orlando on a vacation we were staying at a hotel we had plans that day to goto Disney world.

    I was very disappointed because I didn't get what I wanted and that was to goto Disney world and honestly that's the only thing I thought about at the time.

  • Nom
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    i experienced shock after hearing how the explosion and the flames engulfed the buildings and metal support structures not to mention the airplanes themselves. but somehow the passports of the terrorist was found on the ground intact. im in total awe that a passport made from paper and plastic was more durable than a metal plane and a concrete building. i had no idea passports were indestructable

  • 6 years ago

    As I stood in shock,that an outside force would take this country by storm,I was completely in fear of our small town. We had recently relocated and I thought that LA, and maybe even Seattle would be next. Or maybe even Chicago. Still in fear of anyone claiming muslim or wearing muslim garb. :(

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