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I need help with my computers internet connectivity?

so one of my computers that hooks up to my modem does not get internet acess despite everything else being able to connect wirelessly. including my laptop. could i possibly be able to install a device that finds wifi and connect the computor to my wifi? or is there a feature like that on my computer already and it will just reject the devices feature and wont find the wifi? I have a compaq desktop that runs windows vista. its about 2 years old.


do i need a new modem data cable that plugs into my computor? i think its broken and thats why i cant connect but i cant tell if it is or not

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try getting a cheap ethernet chord like you said. Also look up about updating your ethernet drivers. That could very well be the problem. Good your computer and the website will tell you what type of ethernet drivers you need.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You can get a cheap wifi adapter of ebay or amazon. And you install the cd that comes with it that has the drivers and the software and bam you're connected.

  • 8 years ago

    if your computer is only 2 years old , there should be a wireless capability. there is a switch on the computer that you need to turn on for wireless ability. hope that helps.

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