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Should we not amend our Xmas Carol, to 100 Lords are leaping? (UK)?

They never feel the pinch in the House of Lords, because our Lordships have now cost the

Taxpayer £42 million more then three years ago.

And guess what, since the Coalition came into power, they have actually created another 100 Cronies to be dressed in fancy outfits.

Subsidised food and drink is costing us an estimated £60.000 per week. On top of that, just to poke their nose into the House of Fame, they collect expenses which could amount to some £115.000 a year.

The snout in the trough has no ending.

What are your thoughts please

Thank you


Lord B....I fully endorse your answer. I really do not care what Party these Lordship spring from, because it seems, that what ever Government is in power, they are all determent to increase this Establishment with their own Cronies. That, what makes the House of Lords so pathetic.

Sweat P...One has to have a sense of humour in this day and age and if we can have a giggle on here now and then, it makes it all worth while .By the fact of the two you mentioned in your answer,

we share something.

CEPH.. to the point, but you missed the "s" out of your last word.

Update 2:

Celia H....Brilliant !!! What size bed do you sleep in, for goodness sake. (lol)

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    OG The House Of Lords has the wealthiest Policians in Britain in it. Lord Ashcroft top Tory donour is worth 1.2 Billion. So i suspect what you're asking is should we scrap the House Of Lords? probably. But it's never going to happen. Due to the wealthiest of them being donours to their respective Parties.the two weathiest Politcians in Brtiain are Tories and both raise funds for them.

    If you saw my list of Politicians that have gone to Prison there was 2 Tory Peers on it. Both were free to return the House Of Lords. It seems the members of The House Of Lords have impunity but how to address the issue is biggest riddle

    Take Care

    My UKIP question got deleted ******* hell

  • 7 years ago

    On the 12th day of Christmas, I took to bed with me

    12 tw@ts a-twitching

    11 lecherous lesbians

    10 tools a-throbbing

    9 naughty Nancies

    8 Useless Eunuchs

    7 sex-starved spinsters

    6 convicted vicars

    5 Choirboys (fortissimo)

    4 Boy Scouts

    3 Spanish whores

    2 Bog Doors

    And My Lord Montagu of Beaulieu!

    And, by the way, Grumps, I agree with every word you've said.

    Source(s): Traditional, and I assume apocryphal....
  • 7 years ago

    You are in fine fettle today Mr Grumpy lol. While I don't really agree with the House of Lords they are the only people who are stopping the idiots in the lower house running amok, but when they make Prescott into a Lord I really do have to question what is going on. Can you imagine Beckham in there when he can't string a sentence together. This is now the calibre of the Lords a farce.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I loved David Trimble, saying that "few people have to live on £300 a day", apparently arithmetic isn't his strong point, this is tax free £75,000 a year!! So, nearly £100,000 before tax!!

    So, Lord Trimble..98% of us work for less than £300 a day!! You greedy sod!

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