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Do you feel like the "End Of America" is coming?

The Law is passed. In a few days Pot will be Legal for recreation in Washington and Colorado. People are already lining up to "visit" these states. They will bring back to their home state the substance. They will consume it in their homes around their children.

Soon there will be more States to legalize the weed. Weed will be everywhere. Your teachers, your doctors, your lawyers, Everyone will be "using". There will be no disorganized mess. No one will care about anything. They will all be too high to care. Work? Why? It will be easier to get high and stay home.

Our children will be smoking pot. They will because we did. Or at least YOU did. I don't and never will.

There is a book titled "After the Fall of America." I am currently reading it. I see a lot of what is happening now in America in this book. It was written about 10 years ago. It looks to be coming true.

Do you think we are headed for a Civil War?

Do you intend to smoke pot and allow your children to smoke Pot?

Do you care about your Country? Your Family?

I am depressed about all of this. What do you think? I am looking for a BEST ANSWER.

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think pot will be a big deal. I think it's a non-issue that will burn out (pun intended) in just a little while. Once people get over the novelty of "legalization", it won't be exciting anymore. It won't be a big deal. Don't worry about the children. They are smarter than you think.

    I think socialized health care will ultimately cause our demise. There's just not enough money. There aren't enough doctors. There isn't enough medicine. It's a losing proposition from the beginning.

    Civil War?


    I think today's people are more interested with watching housewives, talent shows, and playing Candy Crunch to ever exert themselves as far as a war. Why would anyone give up their Starbucks, get off their butts and fight for their rights? Come on!

    No, I won't be smoking pot. It's illegal for children to use no matter what your particular law says. My house will be "smoke free", but I don't care what people do in their own homes.

    I do care about the country, but I'm sort of fed up too. People live in the lap of luxury, and take it all for granted. People aren't willing to fight and die for what they have. They are willing to sit on their butts and let other people make the important decisions.


    Live your life as you see fit. Get involved if that will make you feel better. Find people like you to hang out with. It's not the end of the world. Even if America ends - we'll all still be here. Sucking down McDonalds, and staring into our iPhones.


  • 7 years ago

    Most certainly, I think your right on target with what you said' we are about to enter the worst, most evil time in the history of man kind. And America isn't going to escape, instead it very well may get a mega portion of what this entire world is going to go through. And your right about wide spread this pot smoking will go. It will affect everything in our country including our ability to wage war and protect ourselves.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    if you really want to read a good book check out The Bible. it foretold everything that is happening today over 2000 years ago. check out fellowship of the martyrs on you tube to not be depressed anymore.

  • LTP
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Prohibition Statistics

    • Prison Population (BBC)

    -United States: 2,193,798 (overall population 313,900,000)

    -China: 1,548,498 (overall population 1,344,130,000)

    -Russia: 874,161

    -Brazil: 371,482

    • Alcohol Prohibition (MSNBC)

    A) Arrests for drunkenness and disorderly conduct up 41%

    B) Homicides, Assaults, and batteries up 13%

    C) Number of Federal convicts up 561%

    D) Federal Prison Population up 366%

    E) Total spending on penal institutions up 1,000%

    Host "We have the same exact kind of enormous jumps in incarceration, crime, and prison expenditure under this current pot prohibition."

    • Each year the United States spends 350 billion dollars on the war on drugs.

    • On any given day in the United States 1 in 9 African American males between the ages of 20 and 34 is incarcerated.

    • Mexico declares war on drug cartels in December of 2006 (BBC)

    A) 2006: 270 drug related deaths

    B) 2009: 16,337 drug related deaths

    • Judge Jim Gray (Reason TV)

    - Stated In 1990 we were only half as successful in prosecuting homicides as we were in 1980 due to the Reagan administration ratcheting up the drug war. This due to prosecutorial resources being devoted to drug related "offenses".

    - In Holland marijuana use is legal for everyone 16 and older. Coffee shops include marijuana. The minister of health recently held a press conference in which he stated that marijuana use within his country was half that of the United States both for adults and teenagers. He claimed that they had succeeded in making pot "boring".

    • Drug offenders in prisons and jails have increased 1,100% since 1980. Nearly 6 in 10 persons in prison for a drug offense have no history of violence or high-level drug selling activity (November Coalition)

    • According to the UN, drug prohibition has seen increases in the use of opiates, cocaine and marijuana to the effect of

    -Opiates 34%

    -Cocaine 27%

    -Marijuana 8.5% (Worldwide presumably. CNN)

    • According to DEA: (Google Tech Talks)

    - 4 million drug users in 1965 (2% of overall population)

    -112 million drug users in 2003 (46% of overall population)

    • Wholesale cocaine costs 60% less / Heroin costs 70% less (Google Tech Talks)

    • Heroin overdose rate: (Google Tech Talks)

    - 1979 = 28 deaths per 100,000 users

    - 2003 = 141 deaths per 100,000 users

    • Approximately $30,000 per year per inmate

    • 39 Million drug arrests under drug prohibition

    • 1914 = 1.3% addicted to drugs/ 2002 = 1.3% addicted to drugs (Google Tech Talks)

    • % of crimes resolved by arrest or other means (Google tech talks)

    - 1965: Murders 91%

    - 2006: Murders 60.7%, Forcible rape 40.9%, Robbery 25.2%, Aggravated Assault 54.0%, Burglary 12.6%, Larceny-theft 17.4%, Motor vehicle theft 12.6%

    • Decriminalized Drugs

    1. Netherlands 1976

    2. Portugal 2001

    3. Mexico 2009

    4. Argentina 2009

    • Marijuana use by tenth graders in Netherlands: 28% / Marijuana use by tenth graders in the United States 41% (Google Tech Talks)

    • Marijuana use: U.S. lifetime prevalence = 37% / Netherlands = 17% (Google Tech Talks)

    • Heroin Use: U.S. lifetime prevalence = 1.4% / Netherlands = 0.4% (Google Tech Talks)

    • After decriminalization, Portugal drug use by ages 13-15 decreased by 25%/ 16-19 decreased by 22%

    - Heroin overdose deaths decreased by 52%

    - HIV infections reported by drug users decreased by 71% (Google Tech Talks)

    • Netherlands homicide rate per 100,00 population: 1.5/ U.S. homicide rate per 100,00 population 5.6 (Google Tech Talks)

    • United States imprisons more of its' own population than any country in the history of the world. (TV Show "QI")

    Cited video titles are listed as follows:

    1. End the Failed War on Drugs -- Cenk on MSNBC

    2. Did You Know -- War on Drugs Edition

    3. Portugal Legalizes Drugs. Crime Usage Falls.

    4. Mexico's War on Drugs: War on Drugs Edition

    5. United States of Prison

    6. CNN: Time to End the War on Drugs?

    7. Drug War Failure in Mexico

    8. What Happened When Portugal Decriminalized Drugs?

    9. The War on Drugs has Failed

    10. Stephen Fry on American Prison Facts

    11. Jim Gray on The Six Groups Who Benefit From Drug Prohibition

    Drug Prohibition Statistic Playlist:

    "The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law for nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase in crime in this country is closely connected with this."

    -Albert Einstein

    "Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very [most basic] principles upon which our government was founded."

    - Abraham Lincoln

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