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Favorite Answers23%
  • Reading "Questions" all day and I see the same thing over and over?

    Is it just ME or does anyone else see what I am seeing on this Site?

    There are so many questions that must be written by individuals with a 4th grade education. So many questions that are asked by people who are looking for ways to get our "points" taken from us.

    There are KIDS asking about "how to" in sex. These are 14 and 15 year old KIDS.

    WHY is Answers not doing anything about this?

    I like to "help" people who need advice about saving their marriage and car repairs.

    This other stuff is depleting my "score" and hurting my percentages.

    The Last item is these "Call Girls" from india and Bangladesh and China.. To "Answers" I am asking this WHY are YOU ALLOWING This?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • My Grand kids are staying the weekend with me again.?

    OK, so my Grand children are coming for another weekend with their "Pops." We did this a couple of weekends ago so my son and daughter-in-law could have a little time together.

    I had problems with the tape on the diapers which I solved with Duct Tape. It kept getting stuck to my grand son's " Thing" and he kept trying to rip the tape off too.

    My grand daughter kept getting into the dog food and eating it. Is that bad for her?

    So, I have another issue to ASK about. My girl friend is also coming to spend the weekend with me. I am no "spring chicken." I don't have a problem "getting it on", I just don't know whether we should with my Grand Children about. Also, I am "in charge of my Grand Children. Do you think I will have problems when my girl friend sees how I use the Duct Tape?

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • My Grand kids are coming for the weekend.?

    Ok, My grand daughters are coming over for the weekend. My son and daughter in law want some "together time." So, I am going to be "Pops" and baby sitter. Here is some information I need to know.

    1. I have a lot of problems with those new diapers. The "tape" usually gets messed up and they fall open. Will Duct Tape work to keep them on and closed?

    2. The diapers say "Use for 18 to 24 pounds." Does this mean it can hold up to 24 pounds of do do?

    3. I am a widower. My wife passed away 3 years ago. I am making chocolate cookies and Brownies. Should I add Pecans?

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting7 years ago
  • MY Neck and Shoulders hurt?

    Does Anyone else have this problem?

    After sitting at my computer for a couple of hours, my Neck and Shoulders Hurt. I stand up and stretch and they "POP" and I get a ringing in my ears and sometimes I get dizzy too.

    Am I just getting "old" or am I not sitting right?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • Do you feel like the "End Of America" is coming?

    The Law is passed. In a few days Pot will be Legal for recreation in Washington and Colorado. People are already lining up to "visit" these states. They will bring back to their home state the substance. They will consume it in their homes around their children.

    Soon there will be more States to legalize the weed. Weed will be everywhere. Your teachers, your doctors, your lawyers, Everyone will be "using". There will be no disorganized mess. No one will care about anything. They will all be too high to care. Work? Why? It will be easier to get high and stay home.

    Our children will be smoking pot. They will because we did. Or at least YOU did. I don't and never will.

    There is a book titled "After the Fall of America." I am currently reading it. I see a lot of what is happening now in America in this book. It was written about 10 years ago. It looks to be coming true.

    Do you think we are headed for a Civil War?

    Do you intend to smoke pot and allow your children to smoke Pot?

    Do you care about your Country? Your Family?

    I am depressed about all of this. What do you think? I am looking for a BEST ANSWER.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Well, It's THAT Time of Year again.?

    4 years ago, I lost my Wife of 20 years and my 13 year old son. I am alone except for my dog, Gabbie and my cat Brandy. I want to do something with myself, but I don't have the strength or money to go anywhere. I am a Disabled Veteran. What can I do to get my sorrow off my mind? They were my life. I haven't even put up Christmas lights for the past 4 years. What to do?

  • Gun Violence and Murders in America.?

    OK, How many Murders have occurred in YOUR state? there are 50 states. I am looking for 50 answers. The Government has been trying to tell us all that Guns are to blame. I think differently. I think it has to do with our failing education system. The Law is also to blame for NOT punishing murderers. Case in point, The West Memphis 3. They are Free men now, and 12 members of a jury convicted them.

    I am not looking to debate their innocence or guilt here. I am looking to find out How Many Murders have been done in ALL of the U.S. This year, so far.

    7 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Tough Question. Who Makes the better Cup of Coffee?

    This question is for all of you veterans out there. Who makes the better cup of coffee? The Army? The Navy? The Marines? The Air Force? The Coast Guard.

    The points go to the person MOST descriptive and eloquent in detail about the coffee served by their service.

    By the way, I am a Retired Navy Master Chief.

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • Where were You When....?

    Martin Luther King was assinated on April 04,1968?

    When John Kennedy was killed in Dallas Tx.?

    When the Towers fell on 9/11/01?

    I was in the 4th grade when kennedy was killed. I lived in Louisiana at the time.

    I was in Memphis when MLK wsas assinated on that day. My dad was stationed at the Navy Base there in Millington.

    I was working as a Corrections Officer in Arkansas on the day the Towers fell. I was in the Navy Reserves. I got called back to active duty the next day.

    Give me YOUR answers. I will pick the best one.

    4 AnswersGeography8 years ago
  • OK. It is 2012.Happy new year everybody. My nwe years resolutions are 1. Quit smoking. 2.Finish?

    Quit smoking. 2 Finish writing my book 3. start a new and lasting relationship with a new love. I know she is out there.

    What is Your New Years resolution? Everybody is welcome to answer this on. HEY, MIKE !! YOU TOO

    7 AnswersOther - Holidays9 years ago
  • This is my second Christmas alone. What am I going to do?

    In January 2010, My wife of 20 years was diagnosed with Leukemia. She died on February 27 2011. My son age 14 died in July after suffering a heat stroke at football practice. Now I am alone. My older grown children have families of their own. I don't feel welcome or comfortable with them. My oldest son has not even told his children that their grand mother and uncle have died. I have nothing to do and nowhere to go and no one to share the Christmas holiday with. Please someone tell me what I can do besides sit here in this lonely apartment and get drunk and waste myself. My wife died while I was away serving in Afghanistan. I am retired Navy. My 14 year old son was going to go to Anapolis when he graduated high school. I had to bury him next to his mother. I hurt. I just need to do something. But WHAT?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • I need to "up load" some pics on the internet. I need details about "how to..."?

    I have pictures I want to send to my son and daughter and their kids. I am one of those "old farts" who isn't very computer Intelligent . I need step by step instructions from some one who knows I have taken my pictures with one of those new digital cameras. I just figured out how to get the memory flashy thingy out of the camera. So now what do I do?

    3 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • I'm meeting someone for the first time?

    I've joined a on line dating thing. I met a very attractive lady on line who I will meet for the first time tomorrow (saturday). I'm already nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs at a dog show.

    This small town I currently live in there isn't a lot to do.

    I haven't been on a "date" in 20 years. My wife died in February this year, so I'm a LITTLE rusty at this dating stuff. I'm 56. She's 52. Give me some ideas please. I don't want to scare her off.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago

    I think it is breach. Coming out rear feet first. Momma cat not doing well. It is 11: 00 PM Have any suggestions

    6 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • I've been away for a while. My wife passed away in February. She had Leukemia. What have I missed?

    I'm having to re-start my life. I was in Afghanistan when she died. I wasn't told she had passed until I returned home in May this year due to the nature of my mission there. While I was away, I lost custody of my son, my wife was cremated against our beliefs and all my and my wife's worldly possessions were sold or destroyed. I can't afford and attorney to sue. What do I do now?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • This year has been hard. On Everyone. My wife was diagnosed with AML Leukemia in January.?

    She was treated at M.D. Anderson in Houston Tx. She lost her job due to her illness. I had to give up my job to be her full time care taker. Now we are back home. It is December. I have no job and she has no job. I want to move back to Houston Tx. I was offered MANY positions and titles and Employment opportunities. I am running into a brick wall with my wife and my in-laws. Po Dunk Arkansas has no jobs and no future. HOW DO I TALK MY WIFE INTO MAKING THIS CHANGE? We need to.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I haven't used my yahoo for a while Why can't I get on now?

    My old E-Mail address was I have been away at "the WAR in IRAQ When I returned home I moved to a new zip code

    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In1 decade ago