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Are human beings intelligent?

the organism that comprises the human being is intelligent. It is intelligent in its silence and perfection. What exactly have we gained/lost from being conscious?

I come here just to see if there is any flicker of intelligence anywhere remaining on the web and I think I am beginning to realize why the rocks, trees and flowers hold their words as the pointlessness of consciousness in humanity is continually revealed.

what say you?


what can be gained by attacking the asker- my dear sir/madame "superstar"? perhaps I am the dumb one but then so what, you still haven't answered the question. Perhaps, fear keeps you as well as I from the fact that we are not intelligent as we may think

Update 2:

why attack me saphire? a father of two, a veteran soldier, an educated man? I am not 13 my dear madame. I am here to seek the facts from your species and all I seem to get are attacks. Is it because you don't see my face and are not talking to me directly- and if so- why? what creates such evil and brutality within you my dear Saphire? A question, seriously? a question about the reality that you and I must venture into together. I am just not so sure how intelligent the entire species is when a question generates such hostility

Update 3:

more attacks superstar this is interesting- why attack me ? does it make you feel good to diminish me and if so why? does it help your worldview balance to attack anything or anyone opposed which is a misnomer in fact as I am not religious or non-religious and beyond that to what end? obviously you find the question silly and pointless like what color is brown and that is okay as we are done now. But so why even answer. Why waste your energy? Why waste your existence on attacks?

Update 4:

wushuboy001 - sir, I like your answer. we ask questions. that is important. It is quintessentially our greatest strength/weakness

Update 5:

Adam asked-

How can the question "Are human beings intelligent?" make sense if intelligence cannot be accurately or even agreeable quantified?

great question, though, I would answer it by saying that intelligence is not quantifiable in human terms. Intelligence, if it is real must transcend us and our communication regimes. It must be instant and complete and always new. Do you understand what I am saying?

Update 6:

Agarax's answer is very profound- let's look at it-

I meant are we intelligent despite our consciousness as it seems to be a double edged sword which is the reason for the question.

Consciousness helps allowing us to imagine what others are thinking and feeling, and to predict what outcomes are likely from various situations and actions.

I would say that what you describe is the ego and the enemy or opposite if I can use those words of actual consciousness

"I think you need some science education. It might help you clear up your tangled and fuzzy thinking. Or was your question an attempt at poetry? "

Not sure, though, a little education may help us all

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury

Signifying nothing.- From Macbeth

13 Answers

  • Adam
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Define intelligence. Everyone's brain is unique, with talents, skills, and aptitudes varying greatly from one to the next.

    My cat is eight years old, and she has only just learned that if she pushes on a door, she can get in or out of the room instead of just sitting there and waiting for a human to do it for her. Because I figured out doors much earlier in my development than she, I might conclude that I am more intelligent.

    ...But then again, my human brain is geared to be able to think about influencing the world around me, using tools to achieve goals rather than my bare hands. Referring to my cat again, she's quite capable of killing her own food and would have been capable of it far earlier in her development than I would have. So is she more intelligent than me?

    How can the question "Are human beings intelligent?" make sense if intelligence cannot be accurately or even agreeable quantified?

    EDIT: So far the answers reflect my point. We humans are intelligent enough to operate machines that allow communication from one continent to the next, yet because we can't actually see the other person, we become far more rude, aggressive, and counter-productive than if we were discussing this face-to-face.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    It's odd that you would ask a question and answer it in the next sentence. Human beings have intelligence. Every animal with a nervous system has some degree of intelligence.

    We are not silent, and we are definitely not perfect. The human body has many flaws.

    Consciousness helps us to survive and attract mates, largely by allowing us to imagine what others are thinking and feeling, and to predict what outcomes are likely from various situations and actions.

    Words are labels that minds attach to abstractions. Minds are the products of nervous systems. Rocks aren't even alive, and trees and flowers don't have nervous systems. How could they possibly have a concept of words when they don't even have minds?

    I think you need some science education. It might help you clear up your tangled and fuzzy thinking. Or was your question an attempt at poetry?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    So far, as we have talked to other primates with sign language and we are getting a handle on dolphin language, what really seems to separate us from them is our curiosity and willingness to step outside our comfort zone and explore new things. We have not yet observed an animal asking about why something is. But we humans begin as children asking "why is the sky blue?", "Why are the planets round and not square, or triangle, or anything?" And if someone doesn't have the answer, we try to find out. That's why we have tools that put us way above the animals, like fire, guns, airplanes, space ships, the internet.

    We have these tool because someone asked "If I rub these rocks together, I get a spark. Can I make a fire from it?", "Can I harness lightning to light bulbs?" "Can I use math logic to create complex circuits?" "Can I get lift if I can push enough air under a set of wings?"

    edit: Not sure I answered your question though. I just started talking.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I would assume all of them, except anyone who asks the question

    "Are human beings intelligent?"

    Don't feel said - I would say the same about a person who asked the question "what color are brown ducks?"

  • Vanmom
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    The emotion of love and being loved is a human experience.

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Some of us are. Homosapiens means wise knowing man

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Nope. We couldn't even invent the internet. Which sucks, because it would've made this conversation much less imaginary.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Humans are more intelligent than animals, but less intelligent than angels. We are infinitely less intelligent than God who is All-Knowing. But God became a man (Jesus) to save us, because He loves us.

  • 7 years ago

    yes they are...except for the one asking this question

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    zzzzzzzzzzzz snort zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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