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if the government stop seniors social security checks what will happen to us as far as us being able to?

pay rent buy food pay for medication. and who are all of these different committees that send letters out demanding donations of $10.00 to $1000 so they can suppose to be able to stop congress from taking our social security funds away from us. another thing too if these committees knew 30-35 years ago that congress or whoever was dabbling into the social security funds why did the wait until now when it is almost gone to do something about it. if we don't have social security what will be do about having money to survive? and where will they put those of us that don't have families to take us in and help to take care of us. and what will happen to the sick people that don't have money for insurance to have insurance? and why do they keep saying that the money that is in the social security funds don't belong to those of us that worked and put it there. was this a scam to get more money from the people of the United States to fund the private needs of the government that were suppose to be helping us. and why are people stabbing our President in the back trying to keep his hands tied from helping the poor. and last of all why won't anyone answer these questions. especially what will they do with the seniors if social security is stopped????

5 Answers

  • Judith
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Social Security won't ever end. The trust fund is solvent until 2033. Even then people will continue to work and pay social security taxes. If the outgo exceeds the income then Congress will pay the difference out of general tax revenues. But that won't happen. There are a number of ways that Congress can fix the problem by increasing revenue (raising the social security tax rate for one and eliminating the cap on earnings for another).

    Social Security is too important to too many people and Congressmen know that they wouldn't get elected if they make noises about ending the program.

    Anyone or any organization that makes people think that they are going to lose their benefits due to lack of social security funds should be shot.

    Source(s): Retired social security claims rep.
  • 7 years ago

    Government isn't going to stop Social Security checks.

    The GOP would LIKE to destroy that program but most Americans strongly support it.

    It is NOT out of funds, or even close to it. That's just a lie.

    If you're getting solicitations for donations, why don't you find someone who has a brain to read to you who those groups ARE?

    ??? The GOP has opposed Social Security from the start. But it's been popular, so most of the time the shut up about it. Once in a while they try to take it away, but fail.

    You'll keep getting your checks. So stop freaking out.

    No, it wasn't a scam. The GOP are the only ones who think it doesn't belong to those who paid into it; no one else is going along with them.

    Stop reading GOP propaganda. All they do is lie. THEY are the only scam here. Ignore them.

    The reason few people answer your insane questions is that they have no tie to reality, and because you put 57,000 questions in ONE question.

  • 7 years ago

    there'll be a huge number of evictions, that's what. and the number of homeless elders will skyrocket.

    ps -- there is no 'money' in the Social Security Trust Fund -- just a promise from the taxpayers to pay. Further, the Trust Fund is about 50% too small to pay all the benefits promised by the politicians and they refuse to raise taxes, so ... one day, the shan will hit the fit and payments will be cut or eliminated. [The Supreme court already ruled that you do not have an ownership interest in Social Security and that Congress can reduce or eliminate the program at any time by passing a law.]

    Source(s): grampa
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    all the old people will have nothing to lose, get out those old war guns from WW2 and show D.C. what a real holocaust looks like. I would love to see that, Obama, Biden and Congress all set dangling from trees on the mall.

  • Sugar
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    There would be a war...

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