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i have answered kaley's questions already.
is the United states government really like this?
I'd like to know what will happen if the President stops social security. ok our medicare is in danger of being gutted, our social security is in danger of being given to illegals from Mexico. what are the millions of seniors suppose to do for income. there are already a lot of homeless people that are being neglected living on the streets with no where to go. can the government really stop giing what is legally outs. money that came out of our pockets for our use once we were no longer able to work. would the United States government really be that cruel? what would we do to be independent and still have our dignity and not be a burden on our families? please someone with intelligence give me a intelligent answer. some one that really know what they are talking about. there is nothing else to tell.
7 AnswersGovernment5 years agoi'd like to know why do people with dogs let the dog lick them in the mouth?
11 AnswersDogs5 years agoI'm looking for a weight watchers store where you can buy the weight watcher food and products?
does weight watchers have a outlet store where you can buy their foods and different products. about a year and a half ago I heard that they were opening a store like this. because I see that some of the items that use to be in the store are no longer in the different food store like Jewel/Osco, Walmart, Target, Mariano's, in the area where I live which is Bensenville ,Il
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years agowhat do you think abut having 10,00 Syrians coming into the US?
12 AnswersOther - News & Events6 years agoI just found out that my A1C is 6.7 and my doctor prescribed a medication that is 500MG.?
I'd like to get a home remedy for this and if possible menus to help me start on a diet plan. I take other medication and I feel like this is too much MGs to add to the medications that I already take. plus the warnings on this medication leaves me fearful of taking it. I try to make my doctor to understand about these warning is what makes me reluctant to take them but I don't think she still understand why I don't wan to take them.
4 AnswersMedicine6 years agoI have moles every where ad they seem to grow just because I sweat. instead of growing hair I seem to be growing moles and tags.?
what can I do for them? they are annoying and ugly. I asked the doctors about them and all they will say is that they come from other people in my family. that is not good enough for me. can some one help me?
8 AnswersHair7 years agowhat is this only secure content is displayed. what's the risk?
what does this statement mean, I've never had this before and I think this is what is keeping my answers from going through!
3 AnswersSecurity7 years agowhy should i answer a question when i can't post the answer?
I've been answering questions for a long time now. and this is the first time that I answer questions but have no way to admit the answer. what is different with the Yahoo website. I see that other's answers goes through but mind won't
5 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years agowhat is psychoogy wth a religious back ground?
there are a lot of psychologies what is the religious back ground of this subject
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agothis is not a question but a remark about the answers that I receives about the question that I ask what will?
happen to the retirees if social security is stopped. thank you all for your answers, but I don't think that my question or comments were insane, nor uneducated. nor am I an idiot for asking them. Judith's answer was the most helpful. and I think the most insane or stupid question is a question that you don't ask to all. as for reading what he government has put out after the shut down of the government by one man can you really have faith in what they say or do? if you have tried to get answers from the source and you get no answer then you sort answers else where. I have the feeling that our President was put into office to solve the problems that another President left behind, but that Congress has his hands tied with every step that he makes. and there are also a lot of people grinding in his face and stabbing him in his back, and not giving him credit for the good that he has done. poor people are the ones that are basically keeping this country going while some in government is taking from the poor to keep the rich rich. and I ask the question because I believe there are others just like me that wants to know what will happen to the elders of this country if the government stops our social security. if you don't know, it looks like they want to stop giving it to us to keep a promise make a long time ago to help the Mexican immigrants. I don't think that is fair. they haven't given a dime but can just walk across the border and collect our funds. and I wanted to know if anyone else was getting letters to donate $10.00 to $1000 to save social security. don't call me a idiot or insane because I ask a question.
3 AnswersGovernment7 years agoif the government stop seniors social security checks what will happen to us as far as us being able to?
pay rent buy food pay for medication. and who are all of these different committees that send letters out demanding donations of $10.00 to $1000 so they can suppose to be able to stop congress from taking our social security funds away from us. another thing too if these committees knew 30-35 years ago that congress or whoever was dabbling into the social security funds why did the wait until now when it is almost gone to do something about it. if we don't have social security what will be do about having money to survive? and where will they put those of us that don't have families to take us in and help to take care of us. and what will happen to the sick people that don't have money for insurance to have insurance? and why do they keep saying that the money that is in the social security funds don't belong to those of us that worked and put it there. was this a scam to get more money from the people of the United States to fund the private needs of the government that were suppose to be helping us. and why are people stabbing our President in the back trying to keep his hands tied from helping the poor. and last of all why won't anyone answer these questions. especially what will they do with the seniors if social security is stopped????
5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago