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Am I having premonitions? (this is kind of long but I really am confused)?

Ok so, I have these.. Visions at times, and it just happened again, and that why I'm on here to see wtf is happening.... Ok, so I will be daydreaming about something random, and then a vision will come to me... For example I think a year or so ago I had this vision that I was lighting a candle and putting it next to another candle, and I turn to see this dog that I've never seen before. My visions are always short and I always forget about them, until they actually happen. Today me and my moment to this store, and I bought a candle, because the one I had smelled bad. The day after Christmas, my moms friend gave me an American bulldog. So today I light my candle and as soon as I went to push it next to the other one, that feeling of awareness came over me, and it was the strongest one i ever felt, I was freaked out. The same exact thing that I visioned happened. I don't know what this is. It happens to me a lot, and I am going to start writing down everything that I dream or vision. I don't know if this would be called a 6th sense, or a premonition or whatever. I also get them in my actual dreams. I've been having theses all my life and I really want to know what this is... They are becoming more and more overwhelming when they actually happen. When I first had one I was in the first grade and I had this dream of this girl with messed up teeth asking me when I moved to Florida (I was in New Jersey at the time) and that was it. They are so short. So when I was in the third grade, I had this friend, with really messed up teeth. It was the same girl as my vision. I remember telling her that I've seen her before but I don't remember where, and then one day inmate class that same scenario happened as in my dream. But anyway I'm wondering if people really can see into the future, because I've always been a skeptic about mediums and fortune tellers. But the thing is, I can't MAKE myself see things. It just happens randomly, and I am so confused and kind of scared. Please help me figure out this. Any kind of advice or reasoning would be great.

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I would call your expirences premonitions for several reasons. People these days in general, are awakening to be more "self aware." It's born in all of us and is becoming more known. (Generally speaking) Try googling a few websites about spirituality, and chakras.

    Wish I could say more, but the sites will explain it in more detail.

    Don't think too much about it, as it may drive you mad. This is not a bad thing, it's a blessing to embrace.

    Light & blessings to you on your Journey!

    --I too, have had premonitions & such.

  • 7 years ago

    so here`s one for you!! it is a good idea to jot what happens to you in dreams and such because, Wait Till You Hear This, what you are experiencing is called past life regression or experiences! the reason for this is based on re-incarnation (that`s crazy, right?wrong!) I was just watching a show on history channel 2 or H2 where this scientist "proved" that this guy was actually someone from a previous life! he was having all that de jevou too! people,places, names, everything you`d what to know to prove or disprove claim such as that! now what your dealing with sounds eerily similar, so you can "condition" yourself to get names ,addresses, maybe see if you can pull up your old name, now that would be freaking awesome,right? that you can see if that name actually ever existed by some research! conditioning yourself is a simple process all you have to do is tell yourself when your in bed that "I will remember my dreams tonight" and "I will get my old name tonight" repeat those at least 6x`s, and when you get that name jot it down, the next night say " I will remember where I lived" and so on till you get enough info to research if that was in fact an actual person! now this training takes a while depending on how easily your sub conscience comes around to that idea!! Oh, that show I told you about was called :"The Science Of The Soul" , Hope that helps you out !! Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I can't believe I actually have to explain this, but that is DEJAVU. You said you *don't remember it* until just before those events take place, it lasts only seconds and you sometimes perceive it as something you've dreamed about... Well, that's the classic description of dejavu. Search for "dejavu + precognitive dreams," especially in the Dream Interpretation category and you'll find more info (plus hundreds of similar accounts.)

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You are being haunted (obviously) and there are ways to get rid of whats haunting you. (demon, not a ghost).

    Try this to get rid of it, you need to throw everything religious at it that you can ..religious music 24/7, open bibles in your room (read out loud from the book of John), religious video's, "The gospel of John" (utube) and praying out loud in Gods name, etc. (do not use crosses).

    Try all the above, keep doing it until it leaves. The reason you are being haunted is because your entire family is out of favor with God..I don't care if you believe that or not.

    I don't judge the authenticity of the asker, I could care less.

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  • 7 years ago

    I'm fifteen and I know many people at my school who deals with this including me. I would call it a sixth sense. All you can do is accept it. It's normal for the 21st century.

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