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Should all the Party Leaders appear on TV to debate their Policies ? (UK)?

Personally, I think it would make good Television, to see these people all together debating the issues that concern all of us.

Instead of throwing the usual insults at each other, as they do in the Commons, it would be interesting to see if any of them actually understand the world around them. I mean of course, here in the UK

Just an idea. What do you think?


What I had in mind, was Cameron, Clegg, Miliband, Farage and Alex Salmond

9 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Avram's response the "summit of intelligence". To be honest OG if each of main three were honest about their policies as opposed to hurling abuse at each other how would we tell the difference between them they are all the same. This is where i applaud Nigel Farage he just comes out and says it no messing about none of this are you thinking about the same "I" word we are thinking about you get from the main three. UKIP actually have very decent ideas for the NHS they want to put eye tests and dental check ups back on the NHS. And their proposal for allowing migrants to use the NHS and claim benefits after 5 years once they've paid into the system an obeyed the law is a master stroke i really like that policy. Essentially the 2 Parties that are different are UKIP and the Greens. But provided they stuck to policy and not throw insults i'm all in favour

    I reckon despite what the main three recently said i believe they won't "bring down" UKIP you can't out barrage Farage. Over the recent years i've seen him and his Party be smeered savagely by the political class it has failed UKIP have only got stronger.

    Take Care

    OG that's really good Salmond would be destroyed he'll be exposed as a liar. Clegg will get discredited even more than he is now. Milliband is weak and pro EU

    Salmond liar

    Clegg Liar

    Milliband weak and in denial over the national debt.

    Cameron fake eurosceptic Farage will destroy him

    I think Farage would come out on top doing what he does best driving a wedge between the political factions

  • 7 years ago

    If all Party leaders were on the show, then I would watch it, if it consists of the PM and his dog (or is that b*tch) and of course Mr Milliband, then frankly not interested.

    None of the 3 above want UKIP to be represented, and as UKIP have no MP's (until 2015), it is an easy out for them. I think that depending on the results in the EU elections and Borough Council elections of May 22 this year, UKIP may well have cause to question their exclusion from any televised debate and I think that subject to the actual results, they should simply be invited, if nothing else, they are proving to be real contenders in all areas of Politics and given that over 75% of the population agree with their stand on immigration, and you can bet your bottom dollar that this will be a big question in the run up to 2015, then they should be on.

    It would probably do the other Party's more harm that good to publicly state that UKIP have no place in a televised debate in those circumstances, and given that they would also be trounced in most areas, I think that they will have a word with their pals in the BBC and make sure no such programme gets put on offer.

    I really liked what Nick said, but sadly people do tend to vote for a party these days. This leads to young ideological people standing very little chance especially when up against "Party Picked" candidates, those that get by the mainstream party selection process, are keen to follow the whip, and it is at that point that real democracy is lost.

  • 7 years ago

    I definitely think they should. At the debates in the last election, Nick Clegg came out on top as he said the things people wanted to hear. He then went on to prove what a lying, twofaced piece of shi/t he is once gaining some power.

    Much the same can be said for Cam the Sham and his promises about the NHS, transparency in government, and fairness in the cuts, all of which he has proven, like Clegg, just what a lying twofaced piece of shi/t he is as well.

    So the only one so far not proven to be a liar is Ed Miliband, as he hasn't been leader of a party before. Therefore he ought to slaughter the other two by just bringing up what they said in the past, and that I would love to see.

  • Nick
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Nope, sh*ite idea in my opinion. Let's not encourage them to think they are running for President. We are meant to live in a parliamentary system were we vote for a constituency MP for our own area. We don't vote for a leader, we are voting for the person who can best represent our views for our area at Westminster. Neither Cameron, Clegg, Milliband, Farage, or Salmond are running in my constituency so I can't possibly vote for them.

    The trick to sorting this country out is to get away from party line politicians and get back to conviction politicians. We can't do that if we encourage people to vote for a party rather than a person.

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  • Avram
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    What's the point when none of them are capable of telling the truth. Look at all the bare faced lies Cameron told during the last election debates. Voting is a total waste of time, what we need is a violent revolution where we take these evil lying bastards and execute them.

  • JOHN G
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Alex Salmond only applies to Scotland, politicians are never keen of this cos those in opposition are very wary of promising things they can't deliver and those in power don't want to take the brunt of the criticism

  • 7 years ago

    Yes but only if they were allowed to debate securely. Televise by all means and have selected aids to support them. But I think that if members of the public were allowed in the theatre such debate would quickly sink into a pantomime.

    Source(s): I was once in the audience of "Any Questions" and it was hard to hear the parties comments due to heckling.
  • 7 years ago

    Hardly worth it. They are all crooks. Mind you, getting the bastards together might give a modern Guy Fawkes the chance of a lifetime, so I suppose there's that much to be said for it.

  • 7 years ago

    Yes but it seems David Cameron is sh!t scared to go on tv and have a debate,

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