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Ed Balls and Clegg, are they the Political Clowns, or are they realists ?

Its behind the scenes maneuvering before the 2017 Election ?

Balls has done a U turn and has now praised Clegg, as a very friendly and warm person. He previously stated that he would rule out sitting in the same Cabinet as Clegg after the Lib/Dem formed the Coalition with the Tories.

Labour and Lib Peers have now joined forces to block a Private Members Bill when it reaches the House of Lords, on an In-Out EU referendum by the end of 2017.

Who are they kidding? Could such a "Togetherness" really work?

It did not work in 1977.

I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter. Many thanks.

6 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    OG they are clowns we need UKIP in government we need them to replace the Lib Dems that will throw the cat amongst the pigeons. If they have any sense they would give us the referendum.It seems the strategy of some on the left is to in vain and somewhat stupidly ignore UKIP and why they are getting stronger in the hope they'll go away. But time and again UKIP have risen to the occasion and just keep getting stronger. It seems the Lib Dems are now trying to put some daylight between them and the Tories. But my opinion Cleggs mob the slags of Wesminster are trying remain in power again. I've turned against Labour because i thought maybe they would give us a refernedum maybe they would listen but i was in denial i realise the only way to hurt all three parties is to help UKIP. I realise the Les Enfant Terribles in Westminster will never change I remember watching an episode of Question Time a few months ago i watched the Greens Leader Natalie Bennet vs Farage on immigration. And all she did was hurl abuse she never challenged Farage on anything. Then Farage rebuffed the abuse by talking about policies to which she had no answer. And you know something on every word he said thunderous applause. I thought my god is that all the left can do is hurl abuse is that it. I mean like this for example from Labour

    I've been watching Farage on youtube more and more i listen i'm finding myself agreeing more and more. Labour and the Lib Dems would deprive our people of the right to self determination they clearly do not like democracy i'm not standing for that. I only just read today that in The House Of Lords the peers from the Lib Dems and Labour are planning to prevent the EU refernedum from being enshrined in Law. Treacherous bastards. UKIP will be taking my vote from now on

    Take Care OG

  • 7 years ago


    I can see evidence of the Lib Dems trying very hard distance themselves from a lot of what the Tories are up to at the moment, and I can also see them making moves to appear more aligned to a lot of what Labour are proposing.

    It must be a difficult place for Clegg to be, because now that the Liberals have been outed as effectively being no better than Political Gold diggers, prepared to get into bed with anyone so long as they can have a seat at the table, he will have to call on resources such as strength, integrity, commitment, loyalty and a whole load of other things that he abandoned at the first opportunity when the Tory's offered him a go at Government.

    Balls is no mug and whilst I wouldn't trust him with my shopping bill, leave alone the National Budget, he can see that keeping the Westminster hookers (Lib Dems) on speed dial, may pay dividends come the 2015 results.

    I also notice that Balls missed a great opportunity to stand up for the "working class" as we used to call them or "the poor" as we should call them today, when the Tories announced the proposed cuts to legal aid, the poor were all delighted that Barristers would have to shave a few noughts off their income, however, now that the cuts have seen CAB offices close or having to release the paid specialists in such matters as house repossession, addictions, general debt etc, and have had to close around 16 offices totally so far, all because this work and many of the sites were effectively funded by legal aid and it's offshoot benefits, it is the most vulnerable who will now lose out on the only chance they can afford to get any substantive help. He should have been all over that like a rash, but, because he would not reverse it, as he is not a member of a real Labour party, he has kept shtum.

    So, are they clowns or realists, me thinks a tad of both, but not necessarily in equal measure.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Balls talking balls as ever. People who choose to vote Labour in 2015 won't be doing so to put Clegg and his turncoat mob back into power. Labour's only hope is to make themselves demonstrably different from both the coalition parties, and to make it clear that they won't work with opportunists just to gain power.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I don't see any of them as statesmen .

    There is not one that inspires me including the PM.

    Maybe a few UKIP MPs would make them all buck up their ideas just as UKIP forced Cameron to offer an IN OUT referendum.

    It seems with this lot its power at any cost to the people of the UK.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    calm down dear

    get with the times

    if they are as bad as you say, why are you fretting

    surely your party are so great, they will win with a majority

    never forget your meds, if you are ever unsure take the yellow tablet

  • Greg
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Clowns or realists? Ummm Both?

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