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Is there any way that I can put any size picture on instagram without cropping it at all?

I have a Galaxy S4 and I'm really into posting pictures onto instagram. The only problem is that instagram will force a lot of the pictures that I would want to upload onto it to be cropped to the point that it's not even close to being the full picture and to the extent that it doesn't look like the original. I was hoping that there would be a setting or something that I could avoid this major problem with instagram.

2 Answers

  • Chuck
    Lv 4
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Instagram requires square (1:1 aspect ratio) images; the app will enforce the 1:1 crop when you select or take an image to upload. There is no option to turn off this "feature" or adjust the aspect ratio.

    There are numerous apps which allow you to add a border in lieu of cropping to achieve the same square aspect ratio for an image -- the obvious compromise is you will have borders at the top/bottom or sides of your image, depending on the original aspect ratio.

    I like the app "#Square" -- there are many others which are similar in function. #Square is a quick and easy "passthrough" app and allows additional cropping before adding borders, and allows you to choose any color border. I usually use pure white for the border, since that will "blend" into the default instagram display theme; thus the borders appear invisible to most users.

  • B K
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Not really

    Instagram crops all images to a square. So unless you were to add a border to the sides of the image and make the aspect ratio square before you upload it, then instagram will always crop it to a square.

    If you want to share full size images without all that nonsense, use a proper image sharing website. Like Flickr

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