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Airheart asked in PetsDogs · 7 years ago

I cannot housebreak my IG/JR mix.?

I am getting completely frustrated. My 2 year old rescue IG/JR mix cannot be housebroken. She does not establish any routine. For a couple of weeks, I could take her out immediately in the morning with my housebroken IG and she would go, but that pattern only lasts a week or so and she is back to looking at me like she doesn't know what to do.

One thing she will do routinely is pee on a carpet at any time during the day, whenever she feels the urge, even if she has been out 15 minutes before. We have tried the following:

Praising her and giving her treats when she goes outside

Taking her out at routine times during the day, however she does not develop a routine. She just stands and looks at you like you are nuts.

Keeping her in a crate until she must be overflowing and still she does not get the idea to go when we take her out.

We cannot punish her because if you raise your voice to scold her, she then goes under the bed. She has received serious abuse, probably because of this reason. She also is terrified of big dogs and has numerous small scars on her body.

She has been returned to rescue twice before, I suppose for the same reason. She is a cute, sweet affectionate dog, but seems to glory in peeing and pooping indoors.

I don't know what else to do, but what I do know is that peeing and pooing in the house is something I cannot tolerate. I did manage to house break my other IG's. I do not know what else to do. Taking her back isn't an option. I have had IG's all my life and she is the worst ever at being housebroken.

What should I do?

3 Answers

  • Liz H
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm glad to hear you are committed to her, it sounds like she has had it bad. She may never have had proper house training. So sad.

    You will have to make a routine for her, just like a little puppy, and stick to it for months. Don't free feed her so you can predict better when she will need to go. This may mean 3 meals a day, I know little dogs need to eat more often so their blood sugar stays up.

    Keep a log: When, where and other circumstances (on leash or off, rain, cold, nervous, playing, scared, no other dog, etc)

    She may be reluctant to toilet where your other dog goes. She may have been punished in the past and just doesn't know when and where to toilet. Some dogs will not toilet while watched, some won't go if you don't take them out. You get where I'm going....

    I suggest some options, you may want to try them all.

    1. If you haven't already, add a cue word like "Potty" and use it when you want her to go. When she does go, say "YES, good potty!" and start rewards and praise.

    Make a HUGE deal out of it when she does go outdoors. Not just one treat and a "good dog". Throw a flipping party! Have a big baggie of tiny bits of real chicken or other meat and alternate lavish praise, and feeding one treat after another for 30 seconds. This makes a big impression and she will remember next time. Keep them very tiny, like baby aspirin or smaller. It's the time involved that makes the impression, not the size of the food.

    2. Walking stimulates the need to pee and poop. Try a brisk walk off your yard, don't stop until she is desperate, otherwise she will just sniff and waste your time. If she doesn't go, confine her, wait 15 minutes, then walk her again.

    Once she is in the habit of going outside to toilet and being rewarded for it, you may get her to go in the yard as well.

    3. Consider training her to a potty patch or similar indoor potty system. On the off chance she has never been outdoors and is just too confused or frightened by the outside world. If you would prefer she went outside, try the kind with real grass mat.

  • Ocimom
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Establish a routine of taking the dog outside every 3 hours round the clock on a leash and encourage her to pee/poop - don't just let her out in the yard and expect her to do so.

    Sounds like this was a puppy mill dog which are very difficult to train due to living in cages and peeing inside or in cages/crates.

  • 7 years ago

    With that old the dog should be able to hold her bladder for a good amount of time. I would definitely get a correct sized crate (important) and start training her using that. Other than that I would talk to the shelter you bought her from and explain the situation. If you can't fix it you'll probably have to deal with ruined carpets or returning her back to the shelter..

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