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Teaching A Kindergartener to Read!?

God help me! I did everything to prepare my daughter for reading in her 5 years at home. We've made reading books a major thing, trips to the library each week, we read them together she knows all her letter and letter sounds AND can sound out whatever word. That is BEFORE kindergarten! Well she's in kindergarten now and hasn't learned a thing except some stupid "sight words" which must be messing her up! Why. Because she sees the word "wonderful", sounds it out perfectly and then for the word says "hurtful" or "wanted" How do I get her to just SAY the word she's saying? Even as I sound it out she gets it wrong! I was so frustrated I had to get up and walk away! Three letters words are no problem but she probably just has them all memorized by now. Reading is when you can actually sound out the word and then READ the word. How does she sound it out perfectly but can't seem to put it together? I know these are long words but three letter words are easy to her. Bigger words its like she just gives up! Help because I feel like just giving up! I was ready to hand the torch to her teacher and I expected her to be reading by now since she was right on the brink of reading when she entered K in the end of august :( Now I need major tips on how to do it myself.


I don't know how to teach! I'm not a teacher :( I need actual tips from people who have taught to read, I know I'm freaking out right now but its really like she's not even trying to change the word like that! I can't do it :(

7 Answers

  • Jay R
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You need to calm the h*ll way down. This is 5 year old who is leaning at her pace in her way. Why are you being so neurotic about her becoming an overachiever? Stop pushing your expectations on a little girl. Yes, do step away.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Teaching A Kindergartener To Read

  • 7 years ago

    Honestly, I don't know why you're freaking out so much. I didn't learn to read properly until I was around 6-7. Now believe it or not, I'm actually working at an A grade level in English. She may just be a bit slower than the rest, but there's nothing wrong with that. Seriously, I'm 15 and I still don't know my ABC's, which is terrible! Wait until she get's a bit older, if she's still struggling then she may have an underlying reading disorder such as dyslexia. Even if she does have dyslexia, that doesn't mean she can't be a high achiever. Trust me, I know quite a few dyslexic people and they are pretty damn smart. So don't freak!

  • drip
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    why in the world do you think a 5 year old should be reading words like wonderful, hurtful and wanted.

    She is not at the point where she can take each syllable and put it together. You are forcing too much on her right now. Don't you think she gets that you are frustrated. she probably thinks you are mad at her when you get up and walk away

    Let her read what she wants to. Get her Cat in the Hat Books . Read to her. and drop it.

    My daughter was an A student, academics always was easy for her, Yet she always read books way beneath her grade level.

    My niece, who is a reading specialist teacher ask me does she like books, YES, does she read, YES Then leave her alone . Let her read any level book she wants to. Best advise I got.

    Don't make reading frustrating to her. Make sure books are available to her. Read to her without making her read to you or sound out words.

    Let her learn that reading if fun.

    both my kids are adults. My son really didn't read till 7. took him forever to read well. by HS he was reading "Dune"

    they both read all the time now.

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  • 5 years ago

    If you intend to teach your son or daughter simply how to read then Children Learning Reading from here may help you.

    Children Learning Reading is made by short lessons, enough to keep the interest span of a tiny child but can be powerful enough to show the little one to read — actually at an extremely early age.

    This system is situated around a principle called phonemes, which are (in very simple terms), the seems that make up phrases we used in our everyday language. This program seeks to teach your youngster to read by first building up your child's ability to learn and realize the phonemes which make up everyday words. After your son or daughter may try this then they have all the equipment they should begin making sense of new words, which will consequently make their reading abilities stronger and stronger.

  • 7 years ago

    If she can read 3 letter words, then work on 4 letter words.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I think you need to relax a little bit and recognize that children mature and learn subjects on their own schedule, not yours.

    But, besides that, I once helped my pre-school nephew learn how to read dozens of words by playing the game "Classic Concentration" with him on the computer. Lol, it was funny. He didn't know one car from another but he did know the idiographs for "Seville" and "Pontiac".

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