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If someone suggested a book that would most likely change your ideology... would you read it?


(((Tadashi)) I think that's a country western song... "I so loath tomes all the time"

Update 2:

edit; Sorry guys the object of this question was to simply find out who among us had an open mind to the idea of a book that challenged their ideology, Not some veiled attempt to promote a book that I believe will change you. No recommended reads on this post will be forthcoming, although I did recommend one on the question that prompted this one.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not necessarily. If someone suggested a Ray Comfort book or a book about "REPTILIAN JEWS CREATED RELIGION!!" I would probably dismiss it ahead of time.

  • 7 years ago

    Maybe if it wasn't a book, but maybe an essay?

    I like reading trivia and opinion pieces, but nonfiction books can't hold my attention at all. I generally only read novels.

    Yes, I would read it. I imagine the other answerers have mention stuff about open minds, so imagine I said something about that in a similar way someone else did.

    I did notice, though, that you didn't specify RELIGIOUS ideology... of course, considering what section this is you shouldn't need to, but ideology is a very broad term and there are a great many things that could change. I doubt there are many people with one that couldn't be changed at least a little bit for the better.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yes. This is because, as a Christian, I am encouraged by God to grow stronger in my faith. Understanding the difference is possible without being suckered in my someone else's ideology. Reading "The Art of War" never made me want to take arms. It only opened up my eyes to just how pitiful race human beings truly are.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    That's exactly what happened when I began reading science and history.

    I rejected Christianity.

    I'll read something if someone thinks it'll change my current atheist position. But I doubt they're correct. I didn't just discard evangelical Christianity one day. It was decade-plus process during which I also considered liberal Christianity and Buddhism and other non-Christian spiritual paths.

    I'm not afraid to think about sh*t. Some people are, though, as your question sort of implies.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    That sort of happened to me.

    When I was on bed rest in the army after my injury, I had a Jewish man I served with visit me everyday. Just visit, sit, help me from keeping bored. I was a Southern Baptist at the time.

    One day, I asked him if he would read to me from his Torah he *always* carried with him. He said it was in Hebrew and I wouldn't understand it. I asked him to translate into English for me while he was reading, and he agreed to.

    That was when I realized how mistranslated and omission filled the OT is. He didn't ask me to read it, (I asked him), but it did change my ideology

  • 7 years ago

    Are you kidding. I haven't enough attention span anymore to read more than the few lines that people write here in Y/A. Much less try to read anything of any importance anymore.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    What is the ONLY moral response to someone who says they will give you $10 000 if they fail to convince you in the next hour that your mother was a sadistic child-killing Nazi whore ?

    Yes, SOME entertaining of change is inherently sinful and gravely sinful.

    To just change it ? NO !! that is the very definition of a FOOL !!!

  • 7 years ago

    In a heartbeat. I am always open to new information. At this point though no suggestions of such books have ever actually changed my ideology. Always something useful in them though.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yes and they are The Ringing Cedar series by Vladimir Magre.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Depends on how big it is.

    I loathe tomes...

    I'm a product of the age of wikis.


    To more directly answer your question:

    As long as I can stomach the delivery method, I welcome new ideas: A major component of my spirituality is about gathering ideas from many places and viewpoints.

  • 7 years ago

    I would and have. Even though I am a Christian, I love to read and still curious about what other people believe

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