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Of these two oil filters which would be best to use the Mobil 1 extended oil filter or the Bosch distanceplus?

These filters are to be used with either conventional or full synthetic motor oils. I am using Mobil 1

extended performance full synthetic motor oil. Thanks

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here's the deal and it's the truth: We wouldn't use long distance oil filters for the following reason: Read the filter specifications, usually they do not filter as small dirt particles listed as *microns as regular filters. The reason for this is the manufacturers do not want the filters to plug up for a car owner who drives very long distances when using synthetic oil.

    Here's a comparison: Wix Racing Oil Filters filter down to 70 microns so as not to restrict oil flow. Wix street car and truck oil filters filter down to 22 microns.

    If you plan to drive the oil 15,000 miles then a Mobil1 or Bosh Filter Plus would be a better deal. The problem is if the car is still under factory drive-line warranty you have to prove your oil changes as the manual in the glove compartment suggests.

  • 7 years ago

    I must live in a cave, didn't know Bosch made an oil filter. Anyway, if you already bought the Mobil use that. Those synthetic oils go a long ways (7,000+ miles) so you want a good filter. My favs are K & N. They make a black one for daily street use ($5) and a white one for performance ($9). Not all filters are created equal. No, they do not all come down the same assembly line and get different paint jobs. There is a reason some filters are only $2. (Lots of cardboard instead of steel) Check out You Tube videos where filters are cut in half for inspection. What's the difference of a $2 filter and a $9 filter? How soon the cardboard by-pass valve opens and quits filtering!

    Source(s): K & N Fan
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    They are both acceptable oil filters and will do the job of keeping your engine clean if you change your oil within a reasonable mileage.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    All the test done on oil filters, year in and year out, by the SAE & the API have proven that there is no real appreciable difference in performance of any name brand filter....why waste your money on claims that don't make a difference.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    ALL filters are made to work with mineral OR synthetic oil. It doesn't really matter what kind of OIL you use. Just use a FILTER that's made to work with your ENGINE.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Bosch... it holds 29.1 grams of contaminants... whereas the Mobil 1 holds 28...... there really are realtively similiar... plus, they are roughly the same price....

  • 7 years ago

    read your hand book or go to auto zone or advance and let them look it up

    Source(s): elaine
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