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Is atheism just a big misunderstanding?

In looking at the answers to a question asking atheists to define god it occurs to me - I don't believe any 'god' as defined by atheists... Could it be just one big misunderstanding?


Apparently not - atheists apparently are just idiots after all!

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think so many atheists/materialists have been programmed to think a certain way that it is very difficult for them to think any other way.

    The God they talk about certainly isn't one that I can relate too,

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The definition of what god is is a huge problem with this debate, and it's not just from the atheists. I see religious people constantly changing what god is. To some it's a divine being, to others it's the amazement of the universe, to others it the energy that connects us, to others it's the driving force that gives reason and purpose to everything, etc.

    To me, I try and keep it to the traditional sense of what a god is. Since the Bible (and other religions) talk about their gods as divine beings, meaning that they are conscious, have thoughs, can communicate, etc. that's what I keep my arguments too. For those that want to come in and talk about how nature is really god, or how we're all connected by an energy, or whatever, that's fine. We can debate that, but it's not what I think that atheism is 'against' , for lack of a better term.

  • 7 years ago

    Nope. Most religions have a pretty clear description of their god via ancient texts, they make it pretty obvious what they worship - an anthropomorphic deity who created the universe in whole and in detail.

    There is no evidence for such a concept.

    A wider or deist concept of a non-anthropomorphic got who does not micro-manage the universe is still just as irrational and without evidence.

    You could continue redefining god until you came up with a god who created a universe that looks exactly like a universe that arose from natural causes and does not interact with it. Such a god is impossible to disprove, but is indistinguishable from no god at all!

    So how do you define god?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    A misunderstanding? I'm quite certain the vast majority of atheists understand completely what they do, and don't believe in.

    That being said, there certainly is much confusion, and ignorance when it comes to understanding the actual religions themselves, what they ACTUALLY believe in, what they use to prove the existence of their beliefs, what they view as right/wrong, etc,etc.

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I don't believe in any "god" as defined by theists.

    You are the same, except for *one* such definition.

    The "misunderstanding" is yours -- you're an atheist in regard to all claimed "gods" except one. At least I'm consistent.

    And as I pointed out in that question, I don't have a definition for a thing that can't be shown to exist -- to do so would require making stuff up, which is dishonest and rather silly. It's the definitions theists give that I reject as unsupportable and worthless. That includes whatever definition YOU make up.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Atheism is not a misunderstanding. It is brainwashed idiots like you who do not understand atheism due to lack of knowledge you religious nut job

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I believe you are the one with a misunderstanding. Atheist don't believe in a supreme being. It's really that simple.

  • 7 years ago

    ATHEISM: A lack of belief in god(s).

    Why is that so hard to understand? Whether you throw a capital "G" or a lower case in front of "od", atheists will view it the same: lacking any evidence.

    "Apparently not - atheists apparently are just idiots after all!"

    Yeah, because your opinion somehow equates to some kind of "fact", or "truth"? Oh, wait: you wouldn't understand what "fact" or "truth" meant if someone stamped the definition on your face, so I guess this is nothing but an exercise in futility.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


    It's actually quite simple.

    1) Do you believe in the existence of a god or more gods?

    2) If the answer is 'yes', you are a theist.

    3) If the answer is anything else, you are an atheist.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Oh for goodness sake ! - how many more times?

    How can I define a god I cannot believe in? It's like asking me to define the Tooth Fairy.

    I do not believe in god, heaven, hell, rising from the dead miracles, me being made from Adam's rib, 72 virgins for murdering people!!!!

    None of it makes a bit of no it is not a misunderstanding it is a non-belief.



  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No, dear. True atheists don't believe in ANY type of god. It doesn't matter what type you believe in, if it's any sort of a god at all -- any sort of supernatural being/entity/creature -- atheists do not believe in it.

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