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Lv 7

Why do Christians follow the doctrines of Paul and not of their lord and saviour Jesus?

12 Answers

  • yesmar
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The "doctrines" of Jesus and Paul are one and the same.

  • GS
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    This is the crux of the problem, thank you for mentioning it. The doctrine of Paul is the religion ABOUT Jesus and not the religion OF Jesus. The mixing of the Gospels and the letters of Paul along with absurd cross connections to the Old Testament has resulted in a great deal of misinturpretation and confusion. I believe that if we were to focus only on the Sermon On The Mount, we'd be far closer to the Mind of Christ than we would by reading ten thousand letters of Paul.

  • 7 years ago

    catholics may follow paul, but the paul they follow is the one in their imaginations & made up doctrines.

    The real Paul/Shaul was the one anointed by Y'shua to go to the gentiles & preach the good news of the kingdom of YHWH God.

    James, Peter, Luke, Matthew infact all of the disciples agreed that Paul was their brother in Messiah.

    2Peter 3:14-16 Therefore beloved looking forward to these things(The promise of a new heavens & a new earth) be diligent to be found by Him(Y'shua) in peace, without spot & blameless; & account that the longsuffering of our Master is salvation- as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, WHICH those who are UNTAUGHT & UNSTABLE TWIST to their OWN destruction, as they do also the rest of Scripture.

    vs17-18 YOU therefore beloved SINCE you KNOW these things beforehand, BEWARE lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being LED away with the ERROR of the WICKED; BUT grow in the grace & knowledge of our Master & Messiah Y'shua Ha Mashiach. TO HIM BE GLORY BOTH NOW & FOREVER. AMEIN.

    It could not be more clear than this that the disciples of Y'shua were behind Paul's mission all the way.

  • G C
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Those who say this have not read the book of Acts and know that God through the Holy Spirit put more miraculous ability on Paul than any other apostle. They do not know that the apostles all got together in Jerusalem and agreed that what Paul taught was of God. They do not know that all the apostles that went with Paul--Peter, Mark, Luke, John, even Barnabas--all condoned Paul by staying with him.

    No one who studies thinks that Paul teaches a different doctrine. However, those who want to have women as leaders against the teaching of God or homosexual behavior being accepted MUST destroy the character of Paul, no matter what the Bible actually states.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Nothing wrong with Paul, he fully preached Yahushua Ha Mashiach to Jew & Gentile.

  • 7 years ago

    mainly because Paul was sent as an apostle to the gentiles, but we follow the Word of Christ also, and the testimonies of the other apostles as well as they all preach Christ crucified and His resurrection and being justified by faith in Christ, we are saved by grace not works

  • 7 years ago

    The followers of Paul eventually took over the church and elevated the teachings of their leader to the status of scripture. They pretended that Paul spoke for Jesus himself and wrote the claim into Acts (written by one of Paul's close followers) so they could point to that whenever someone questioned the way they followed Paul rather than Jesus.

  • 7 years ago


    Lots are KJB onlys and claim "If do not know what it means, we do not have to obey it." For the KJB has over 37,000 added, removed, or ordered changed words in it!

    There are the stricture Christian religions like "Messianic Judaism". But it takes time and effort and lots more love! Be careful with this name. Many newer religions have broke off of it, decreasing their beliefs but have similar names.

    Source(s): Bible, history
  • 7 years ago

    catholics follow paul.............. catholics do not follow the Bible and have made up all kinds of beliefs and ritual that are not righteous Biblical or Christ like. NEVER PUT CATHOLICS IN THE CHRISTIAN CATEGORY. CATHOLICS ARE NOT CHRISTIANS THEY ARE PAGANS AND DO NOT FOLLOW GOD OR JESUS. NEVER COMPARE THE TWO THEY ARE NIGHT AND DAY, DARKNESS AND LIGHT.

  • 7 years ago

    It is likely Jesus never was a real person. The modern depiction of Jesus Christ is really Cesare Borgia, the son of Pope Alexander. He liked to dress up as Jesus himself and the modern day image of Christ is really that of Cesare Borgia. Since all peoples of the day in which Christ supposedly lived were dark skinned, it is further evidence that the story of Jesus Christ is manufactured by men to control the poor.

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