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Whats your opinion on the Muslim Transsexual?

There is a transsexual in the UK who converted to Islam. What is your opinion on this?

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Basically, only an utter fool would convert to Islam.

    A Transsexual, like a Transvestite, gsy or lesbian, is considered to be an Abomination to Allah and would be beaten and humiliated in a parade by the Muslims before they hang or behead him.

    Considering that the Transsexual converted to the very Faith that kills his type, he has to be an utter and suicidal fool.

    I know of a Hindu Gay boy who goes around supporting the Muslims there and he's another example of the kind of utter suicidal fools who support the very people who would humiliate and kill them.

    I think it is because these people are basically masochist and love taking it up their ..... that makes them do things like this.


  • 7 years ago

    Salam Transsexual is not allowed in Islam because it means to change the creation of Allah He must be treated as a Muslim man

  • Islam
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    It has been reported that Your Eminence allows gender change; may we know more about the details of your opinion? What are the juristic justifications and foundations on which you based your judgment?

    A: There are many cases pertaining to this subject: One case, which has lately been common in western community, comprises a surgery in which the testes, penis and scrotum are totally removed. In addition, a cavity is made to look like a girl’s vulva. Then administration of the hormone estrogen is prescribed, for the purpose of effecting somatic changes in order for the patient to look more closely in his physical appearance like the other sex. In such a case, man’s anatomical formation is preserved, with the appearance of some feminine features like soft voice, prominence of breasts and hairless beard. Such a surgery makes no difference, for it doesn’t enable the transsexual to have any sexual intercourse, as a woman, with other men, so it will be a male-male sexual relation; moreover, this surgery doesn’t make him a female from the Shari’a point of view. It is just a fraudulent operation to justify the homosexuality, which is still rejected, and despised by the great majority of communities.

    Disallowing such a surgery is quite logical, because this operation inflicts the body with damage-removing genital- in the absence of any benefit that outbalances the mentioned damage.

    Some other common and known cases of changing one’s sex like changing an epicene to a female. Such cases assume the possibility of changing a female to a male with all characteristics, such as having a penis, having the ability to have sex just like any other man, and acquiring masculine appearance, or the possibility of changing a male to a female by transplanting female gentile, where a transsexual will be just like any woman anatomically and medically, and where a transsexual has a normal vagina, through which sexual intercourse is performed and where the same feelings of the ordinary woman are aroused upon having sex with a man concerning the nature of lust and its secretion. Consequently, there will be no difference between the transsexual and any female except in casual attributes as when a woman has no uterus or she can’t carry a baby since ordinary women may undergo such condition. Accordingly, the transsexual will turn to be an ordinary woman regarding the external features and the sexual characteristics.

    In the last cases mentioned, we don’t have any proof or legal text that deem them impermissible. Unless we have legal evidence that disallows changing sex primarily, in principle, changing sex and the surgeries in question are permissible.

    If such surgeries were accomplished, the consequent outcome would be considered an ordinary woman having the same rights and duties. She should marry, give birth and inherit, for she would become a real woman.

    As for the cause behind permitting this surgery, in the basis of legislation, if we don’t have any evidence that necessitates prohibition and in the state of hesitation and suspicion whether something is permissible or not, it is deemed permissible in principle. It is worth mentioning that I am not the only one who adopts such a ruling, for both Imam Khoui in his book “Mounyat El Sail” (the wish of the one who asks) approved sex-change.

    If some have deduced the impermissibility of sex-change through the Holy Aya {And most certainly I will bid them so that they shall alter Allah creation} (4:119) which tells about Satan and its tricks, considering it as an alteration of Allah’s creation, we say: What is meant by Allah’s creation here is not man, because “Allah’s creation” is a general term including everything created by God, the most exalted. And if we adhere to the impermissibility of altering Allah’s creation, as understood and construed by those religious scholars, then we will have to protect trees, plants, lands, mountains and rivers from change even though no one will comply to it, which is disapproved by rational people, knowing that, most jurists adhere to the permissibility of changing one’s sex, in addition to man’s beautification changes.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The general opinion of Islam is: Transsexuals are an abomination of nature.

    It is preposterous to assume that they are not practicing abnormal sex acts, which are strictly haram. So what is all this welcome to Islam about uttered by pseudo-pious Moslems?

    Dr. El Hakim Bin Nimsa Al-Faruq مفتي عالم

    Source(s): Scholar of Islam, unorthodox, enlightened, humane and honest
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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Isn't that the same as cross-dressing?

    If a man has his sex changed by surgery and that Sharia allows him to wear burqas, then that means cross-dressing men must too have the same right. If transsexuals are given rights, then why discriminate against cross-dressers.

    Look at the cross-dressing men demanding the right to wear burqa as in videos below.

  • 7 years ago

    This transsexual will be rewarded by allah with a chance to become one of 72 houris.

    More transsexual power to isslaam !!!!!!!

    Source(s): I'm a scholar of isslaam with years of studies on moosleem transsexuals
  • mind
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Very good.

    No problem for past wrongs. I dont know what he/she is now. But he/she should be not engaging in anything wrong from now on.

  • 7 years ago

    Allah Akbar! May Allah guide and help him in his struggle. Ameen

  • 7 years ago

    s/he would have been sodomized to bleed by the beastly men, realizing that only Islam is deadly against this dirty anal sex s/he would have embraced Islam. Welcome!

    Source(s): One cannot fvck through anus to his wife even in the majority Sonni tradition.
  • M S
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    same as any other Muslim [I hope they get proper treatment]

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