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Pro-lifers, do you think it's ok to lie to a woman if it stops her having an abortion?

An undercover report has come out today of women being told by a CPC centre that having an abortion increased risk of breast cancer and a propensity to sexually abuse children, that the procedure could leave them unable to carry future pregnancies to full term and various other lies.

Do you think it's ok to lie as long as the women doesn't go ahead with the abortion?


@ Orlando, no they can't, they already took the claims to be looked at by various medical professionals who have all said they are nothing more than lies.

14 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lying is never okay but neither is murdering a baby.

  • 7 years ago

    Abortion may be another topic of discussion but as far as Lie is concerned, its wrong whether it is made for some selfish purpose or in the name of God.

    Moving further to your question, even from the point of view of pro lifers a Lie is only acceptable if someones life is on stake and there is no other way out. Else no justification is acceptable.

    [Though in today's scenario its too difficult to find any difference in deeds of God believer and non believers.]

  • 7 years ago

    Abortion =/= murder. Murder is unlawful killing.

    Abortion=murder is the same argument as cancer surgery=murder (they are a mass of undifferentiated cells as well).

    I noted on a recent BBC article that Britain is starting to suffer from the same church-sponsored Lying for Jesus crisis pregnancy centres that we here in the USA have. At least Britain does not have the hypocritical attitude of alleged right-to-life until there is actually a birthed baby (then forget about it, the poor scrum shouldn't have had children). or pro-lifers that support the death penalty.

    The real issue is allowing religion to dictate medical care: if it is okay to lie to a woman about abortion because of religious beliefs, then it is okay to lie to anyone over polio vaccines, blood transfusions, birth control pills (and we have the same crisis pregnancy centres here lying about emergency contraception mischaracterising it as abortion, and pharmacies that will not sell contraceptive devices or pills for religious reasons), or any other medical procedure that some religious group or another opposes.

    The UK is now going through the arguments that the USA went through some years ago about these. Don't make the same mistake and allow misinformation in the name of religion to be promulgated with your tax money like we are.

    (Attacking evolution in schools will be next, as it is here now. I believe you have the issue of faith-based schooling being supported with tax money as well. . . . will the UK follow the USA into a Talibanesque Third World nation status, where science is relegated to hatred and fearmongering and myth become the force that drives your society? I hope there is a place left on Earth where science and technology will reign, someplace to to lead us back from the upcoming Second Dark Ages the religious wish to impose.)

    If the argument is that (some crime) is more acceptable than a putative murder, you then get the situation we have in the USA: mass-bombings of abortion clinics, the shooting of doctors and nurses, and other such things becomes -acceptable behaviour- (as "we're protecting an innocent from a murder").

    The correct term for that is -TERRORISM- (but it is not punished as such, the FBI likes to be able to claim we have no domestic terrorists).

    Which abortion doctor would Jesus kill? Which clinic would Jesus blow up? Which political party would Jesus take over? Which death penalty warrant would Jesus sign?

    Religion of love my chapped . . . .

    Where are all the pro-lifers that are just standing in line to adopt the disabled, the insane, the forgotten teen, the troubled child? As long as it's a perfect little cherub grown in Suburbia soccer-mom's home, fine. Where are all the pro-lifers looking to adopt the children of rape, of birth defects, of whatever that is not perfect?

    Do not let these Pharisees that cry "Lord Lord" in the streets fool you: they aim to insert religion as a replacement for not just abortion, but contraception, medical science, and eventually government. Those of you in the UK can see that happening here. You have an example of what not to do.

    And those here who cry out for abolition of abortion also believe in Armageddon and want control of our government and our nuclear missile force. You should be scared of these people.

    Source(s): atheist, disabled veteran (we exist in foxholes)
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Abortion is a medical procedure to promote life and health. It is not a birth-control method.

    To lie to a woman increases her danger, and is dishonest.

    Those people need to be taken to task for increasing the risk to patients.

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  • Mimi
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It's never okay to lie. My 3rd pregnancy ended in abortion because of Patau Syndrome that was diagnosed early in my 1st trimester. The fetus had no chance of surviving outside of the womb. I was given the blunt truth and the cold, hard math, and I made the right decision.

  • Linda
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No. The end does not justify the means. Is it okay to kill Bruce, to keep him from killing Charlie?

    The bible puts liars in the same category as murderers.

    Source(s): the bible
  • 7 years ago

    No. If she want's to have an abortion than you should let her.

    Good thing about being human is that we can make decisions for ourselves. Please don't throw beliefs on other people.

  • 7 years ago

    The connection between abortion and breast cancer and sterility is well established. I never heard of any claimed connection between abortion and child abuse.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Pro abortionists, do you think it's OK for a doctor to lie, and tell the pregnant woman who is contemplating having an abortion that the foetus is just a 'bunch of tissue, it's not a real person'.?

  • 7 years ago

    no it is not right but on the other hand can some of these things be caused by what you just explained ? I am going to do some research on it.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Abortion is a by product of This hell we all exist in....anyone who claims abortion is murder is ignorant

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