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Alyosha asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 7 years ago

Should America sell the aircraft carrier Washington?

CVN -73 is approaching its midlife nuclear refueling in 2016. The process will cost $5 Billion. Washington is home port in Japan, because the Japanese don't have a carrier. Yet the Japanese spend $60 Billion each year on defense. Don't get me wrong, I think the Seventh Fleet should stay in place. But WW 2 is seventy years old.

11 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    You are grossly incorrect in several of your points:

    - the Washington is not homeported in Japan because of some sort of WWII reason or because the Japanese do not have a carrier, but because the port facilities we have in Japan are the best, and most secure, homeport facilities we have in the western Pacific - providing both logistics support, maintenance support, and personal infrastructure for forward-based elements of a US fleet; Japan also provides a relatively close home-port against our potential enemies, i.e.: the Russians, the North Koreans, and the Chinese

    - Japan does indeed have carries, albeit the helicopter / VSTOL type more of the size of our own LHAs and old LPHs. While they are called names like "Helicopter Destroyer" and other such names to ally Japanese public concern, they are very much carriers - just small ones. The Japanese are now considering building a true aircraft carrier and looking at cost and benefits. Here is a photo of one as reported in The Military Times:

    - the cost of nuclear refueling is programed years ahead of time. The money needed has already been appropriate some time ago and put aside.

    @ Questioner: nowhere in the Japanese Constitution or the San Francisco Treaty formally ending the Pacific War is there any mention that the Japanese are not allowed to possess an aircraft carrier of any type; I encourage you to actually read those document to understand what they say.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It's against Japans constitution as well as treaties for them to own an actual carrier. Add that to China being the only country in the area who would actually consider buying it and it's just not a good idea. Not to mention that if we sell the Washington we would have to move another carrier into the area to take up the slack. Which would leave the area of operations said carrier presided over at a strategic disadvantage.

  • 7 years ago

    The USS Reagan is set to replace the GW in Japan. Nobody is in the market for a Nimitz class CVN. For budget reasons retirement is being considered.

  • 7 years ago

    If the Japanese or South Koreans had interest in buying a used nuclear carrier

    I would support selling it to them so they can do more to defend themselves.

    I have no heard they were on the market.

  • 7 years ago

    See it to whom? Aircraft carriers are antiques from WW TWO, just as battle ships are from WW ONE. We kept battle ships around until the mid 1980s, and we are keeping the carriers around for even longer. Even today the USA is discussing NOT making any more super carriers after the Gerald Ford and instead make smaller carriers like the Marine assault ships.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    remember aliosha,,534 american canadian sailors died in the murmansk runs of 41-45,we lent,made,

    gave whatever stalin requested to continue battling the hitlerites

    ,,we,whether we remodel the GW,,or make a new one,wish never to be caught as was russia,in its unpreparedness to deal with sudden attack,,that attack much the worse because stalin ignored warnings from churchill about hitlers treachury,,declining to order military into readiness.

  • 7 years ago

    Who else could afford to operate an American supercarrier costing billions per year?

  • 7 years ago

    pls get a clue. the only likely interested buyer would be China. And we don't need to be selling weapons to them so that they can dominate the Pacific and then dictate terms to everyone who uses it.

    Source(s): Japan? while they could afford it and have the nuclear technology -- after their recent disaster, they aren't a possible buyer.
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No, it has decades of life left in it.

  • 7 years ago

    yeah they should list it on ebay with no reserve

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