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Out of all the different types of bigotry, why does homophobia/heterosexism seem socially accepted?

Racism isn't socially accepted, sexism isn't socially accepted, but homophobia and heterosexism are. Why? Shouldn't all forms of bigotry be socially unacceptable?

Like for example if a child in the playground says something racist/sexist they get detention etc but if they say something homophobic nothing happens.


@rick B: so if someone isn't born "normal" or minority then they should be discriminated against? So going by that logic then you think people with autistic spectrum disorder (I have Asperger's syndrome) should be because their not nerotypical (normal)?

Update 2:

@christine: do you have any up to date scientific evidence for that claim? I doubt you do because the latest evidence says being gay is inborn

Update 3:

@Rick B: same sex relations cause no harm (don't even think on using the excuse of aids because aids is caused by unprotected sex by everyone). It causes no harm to anyone so it is ok

Update 4:

@straight up: do you have any statistics to back up your statement? The contenent that has the highest aid rates in the world is Africa, a contenent that is deeply heterosexist and homophobic

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Because some folk think it makes them look heterosexual (particularly when they are in some doubts).

    Research by U.S. psychologists suggests that 80 percent of men who are homophobic have secret homosexual feelings.

    Prof. Adams's research was published as Is Homophobia associated with Homosexual Arousal? in the prestigious U.S. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, (1996, Vol. 105, no. 3, pp. 440-445).

    Prof. Adams says his research shows that most homophobes "demonstrate significant sexual arousal to homosexual erotic stimuli", suggesting that homophobia is a form of "latent sexuality where persons are either unaware of or deny their homosexual urges".

    These findings support the theories that homophobia (fear of gayness or support for antigay discrimination) is often indicative of repressed, self-loathing, homosexual feelings; and that many homophobes subconsciously use antigay attitudes as a smoke-screen to disguise their own homosexuality.

    @ alk: Anal sex is and has always been the most frequent form of heterosexual activity worldwide, as the cheapest and most convenient form of birth control. The orifice is tighter than vagina, too, so after childbirth many men browbeat their women into accepting it.

    And many hetero men need to get their prostate messaged, especially if they are circumcised, because they have lost two thirds of the nerve endings in the penis from the operation and at some stage keratinization also sets in.

    More than 50% of gay men reject it.

  • 7 years ago

    Christine, when did you choose to be heterosexual? Why would anyone choose something that they are ridiculed for by people who don't understand?

    To answer your question, OP, the struggle to overcome racism has been going on for hundreds of years. Politically speaking, the issue of homosexuality and legality has come up relatively recently. A large public shift in attitude takes time.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It's becoming less acceptable, but homophobes get away with a lot by whinnying about FAAAITH..."

    Never mind that Jesus didn't teach homophobia.

    The reaction to homophobic bullying depends on where the school is. Some schools are being responsible. Any institution tends to reflect the attitudes of the community. In a redneck, bible-banging area where those "godly" folk are busy gettin' drunk and cheatin' and listening to twangy songs about cheatin' and drinkin' .... odds are the bullies are "just boys bein' boys." Which doesn't say anything good about the so-called "men" in the community.

    Oh, here's some science for our ignorant little trolls. If they can comprehend it:

    New Civil Rights movement Article

    Not genetic but is from the womb

    Human sexuality is Complicated national Geographic

    Runs in Families

    Epigenenics -National Institute For Biological Synthesis

    Epiginenics Wikipedia

    as much a choice as Handedness Scicence says

    Source(s): Homophobia My be homosexual attraction
  • Emma
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    "Out of all the different types of bigotry, why does homophobia/heterosexism seem socially accepted"

    The people behind it hide behind the Bible and claim the name of God. They forget to show Gods love to all.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Actually aids is mainly caused by homos!! Look it up bright spark!!



  • 7 years ago

    it is not a choice to be gay. It is a choice to hide who you are and pretend to be straight. Someday this will be just as frowned upon as racism. At one point the only way to be normal was to be white and people ridiculed blacks the same way they ridicule gay people today

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    gay men sex spreads fecal matter everywhere and is considered a severe bio hazard!

  • Rick B
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    There is nothing bigoted about accepting normality and rejecting adherent behavior.

    No, being born with autism is not the same. You choose to sleep with others of the same sex.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Because no body really likes homos!! The media lies. So it is your choice.

  • 7 years ago

    Because homosexuality is a choice and your race/skin color is not.

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