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So is anyone still using the old green version?

or is it gone forever?


Little help on how to get it back?

Update 2:

yeah thanks 神に愛されている罪人 , totally helps ;)

Update 3:

Using Chrome.

Update 4:

Thank you all, big help...well most of you.

17 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'll be a Greener until the day I'm banned from this place


    What are you using? Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.?


    If you're using Chrome, use a browser add-on called "User Agent Switcher." Then click on the button for emulate Internet Explorer 6 or 7

    I'd post the link to it, but I don't have Chrome, so my computer won't let me get that far without downloading Chrome first. Just Google, "Chrome user agent switcher" and go from there :)

    Source(s): Greener for life
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


    I found a free download of Tinypic here

    Its use is very simple, since you simply drag the photos you want to add an attachment in the program. Once resized photos, they will be stored again.

    Bye Bye

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It's still user-friendly green on my screen, here in the U.K., but I honestly don't know why! All my other U.K. contacts are now forced to use the purple peril. I think it has something to do with the way my husband set up my laptop, but don't ask me how! I'm a complete I.T. dunce.

  • 7 years ago

    Add this to your Chrome

    When you get the button on the right from address bar, go to yahoo answers, click it and select Opera - Opera 10. Page will reload and it will be in old format.

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  • Aggy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I am now deep purple. Using tablet running Android and can't get green. Only takes a short while to find your way round the purple people eater. No probs now. :)

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yeah, I yahooed it yesterday and changed "compatibility" somehow...

    Someone will know ;)


    Oh, I'm using IE - currently at the top of the page is a note "Upgrade to Safer IE9"

    I couldn't figure out how to change it in Chrome so it's still Purple ;)


  • 7 years ago

    I prefer the old version, not because it's green, but because it works far better, because it allows me to access my own previous answers, and because it has a spell-check feature, which is a great convenience.

    I've had some success finding the good old green by going foreigin and accessing Canadian Answers.

    Judging from above, I need to start playing around with my browser's "compatibility."

    Thanks "Jay." worked.

  • 7 years ago

    The green still shows on the Opera browser. If any Yahoo moderators are reading this, forget I said anything.

  • 7 years ago

    I'm using it - it took me all of 30 seconds to get it back by changing the compatability.

    If you're using Internet explorer go into tools and compatability settings and add

  • 7 years ago

    It's still there in the background I think, every now and then when I click on Answers from the home page I get it back.

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