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List your top 10 9th Wonder beats?


1. Band Practice 2 - 9th Wonder, Phonte and Median

2. Don't Rush Me - Jean Grae

3. Speed - Little Brother

4. Believe Me (HaHaHaHa Remix) - Rapsody

5. Slow Down - David Banner

6. The Beautiful Decay - Skyzoo

7. All For You - Little Brother

8. Scars - Rapper Big Pooh

9. The Feeling - Buckshot

10. P Body - Sean Price

Now you. Go!

2 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    1.Not Enough- Little Brother

    2.Walk like a Man- Murs

    3.The Listening- Little Brother

    4.Let Me Talk- Murs

    5.Good Ol Love- Masta Ace

    6.Fornever- Murs

    7.Lovin It- Little Brother

    8.Say It Again- Little Brother

    9.The Pain- Murs

    10. For You- Little Brother

  • 4 years ago

    9th Wonder Beats

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