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Teens: have any if you asked your parents for birth control?

How did they react?

For what reasons did you want it? (Pregnancy prevention or light periods?)

Do you and your parent(s) have conversations about sex?

What method did you get, if your parent(s) allowed you to get it?

I want to ask my mom for birth control to stop my periods cos there's really no point - especially since I'm not having sex, but she's never talked about sex with me ever so it'd be kinda awkward cos I'll know the first thing she'll think is that I want birth control cos I'm having sex. I looked it up and our health insurance covers it too. I guess talking about birth control is better then telling her I'm pregnant though haha 💁 I think I want the shot method.

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Honestly, I don't feel right now that it's a thing I need. I'm a procrastinator, so I'm not ever going to have it on my mind until I think about being sexually active. And even though the legal limit's 18 and I'll be that this year, A) I'm not interested in anyone in my town, and will never be and won't be moving for another year. And B) I'll still look about twelve for another couple years at least.

  • Ayyyyy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Well no, not really. I wanted to get rid of my acne and my doctor recommended birth control. My mom was fine with it. That was in 2012. I've been on it ever since, and I'm sexually active now so it's a good idea to stay on it.

    edit: forgot to mention I'm on the pill!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I started taking the combined pill (Microgynon 30) when I started being sexually active with my boyfriend (I'm eighteen, so it's less of a problem or my parents if I'm having sex!). I just told my mum I was going to get a doctors appointment to talk about going on the pill. I actually had to ask twice, the first time was before anything happened between my me and my boyfriend and I was just thinking about being prepared. She said no because she didn't like the side effects. I looked into it more later and decided my mum was just being paranoid! The second time I said I was going to get it, rather than asking, and I just wanted her to know. She's fine with it now :)

    Both my parents are very open about things like that, but we don't have conversations about sex a lot!

    Hope this helps - and just ask we and get it out of the way. I started overthinking it too much. It won't be as bad as you expect and you'll feel so much better when it's sorted out :)

  • 7 years ago

    No way. My dad would freak & I wouldn't be stupid enough to have sex while I'm still a child. I'm only 16. I'm not ready to be in a relationship, I'm not mature enough to deal with worries of STDs, pregnancy or anything else that comes with sex.

    My parents often talk about sex. I have no problem asking either of them about questions about sex, puberty or pregnancy.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I asked my mom for birth control when I was like thirteen and she said no.

    I only wanted it because my friend was on it and she said her periods where really light and lasted like a few days. Mine have always been heavy and lasted for a week or more.

    No, we never had a sex talk prior to that. I ended up getting pregnant when I was 15 because I couldn't get on birth control and I have VERY sensitive skin and I'm basically allergic to everything. So I couldn't use condoms (stupid I know) But she should've put me on birth control when I asked because she knew I had a boyfriend.

    After I had the baby we did have sex talks but it was her yelling at me to not do it. And I didn't get real birth control until I was 17.

    When I did get it, it was the depo shot. Something I'm not allergic too. You have to be on your period to get it but for me it stopped my period right away and I didn't get one the entire time I was on it. It didn't cause acne or any weird side effects. The only problem I had was I gained like 10 pounds, but I also didn't exercise or eat very healthy lol.

    Just be really careful I was on the depo shot for like over a year and ended up getting pregnant because I was a month late on my next shot. I might just be very fertile.

    Birth control is not that expensive. If you're low income you can get it for like 20 bucks which is what I did.

    Just go up to your mom when she's in a decent mood. And tell her that you want to talk to her and for her to not say anything until you're done talking and to take everything you say into consideration and if she disapproves to just say no and not yell or jump to conclusions or blow it out of proportion. Tell her that you looked into it and since you're however years old now and you want some birth control to make your periods lighter and to get your hormones under control. It's safe and you think it would be a good idea. Promise that just because you have birth control you won't have sex. Say that she should trust you to make good decisions and if she wants she can take you off of it. (She won't and if she does you can fight it) Just ask if you can try it out and if you both decide you don't need it right now, you can discontinue it for the time being. If you're sad birth control can help with depression (throw that in there)

    Personally, I think all girls over the age of thirteen should be on birth control a kind they cant just stop taking because they feel like it. If I ever had a daughter I would take her as soon as she turns thirteen so she can get an exam and birth control. Your lady health is VERY important. And I would get it for her because no one deserves to have heavy, painful, long, annoying periods. I've had to take off school because of them. Plus I want it in case she does decide to have sex and is to timid to ask for birth control herself or something. Or if she gets raped. That's unlikely but it's a good idea. We're lucky to have access to birth control and family planning methods and we should take advantage of them.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I did get birth control but I never took it. I went to the doctor for my period being irregular and one time it started coming every 2 weeks. So when I went to the doctor, they offered me to take birth control pills to regular my period. My mom was kinda "iffy" at first. I don't know why because it ain't like I hang out with a lot of people anyway, let alone a boyfriend and me having sex. But I never took them because my period went back to normal all of a sudden. I never took birth control but I know some people who did, they said something about it made them gain weight or something.

  • 7 years ago

    Yup, and my mother was 100% supportive of it from the get-go.

  • 7 years ago

    No I just go to Wal Mart's Pharmacy (or any other Pharmacy) and buy a box of condoms.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    not into that kind of stuff

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