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FuzzyMuffin asked in PetsFish · 7 years ago

Amano shrimp or Nerite snail?

I'm in the process of setting up and cycling a 5 gallon planted tank. After it's cycled I plan to add a Betta to it and then I was thinking about a little clean up crew. Many of the plants I'm adding will be Anubias, and I've read they have a tendency to grow algae on their leaves, so I wanted to get something to help with that, should it ever happen.

Now, the two cleaners I've heard that are very good and aren't picky are Amano shrimp and Nerite snails, but I'm stuck between the two! Of course, if my Betta turns out to be fairly aggressive I'd rather just clean it with my hands, but if we assume the Betta is fairly friendly, what would you suggest?

On the one hand, snails are fairly messy, but they'd be great for cleaning up the plants leaves (I think?) And shrimp are cute and also good cleaners, but they could possibly be nipped or munched on.

Which do you think would be the best option for their purpose and the least likely of getting hurt? I don't want any nipped of antenna.

6 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Amano shrimp are probably one of the best cleaners and produce less bioload.Nerites are pretty good algae cleaners and will have more protection from his shell but they produce more waste.I prefer shrimp but the snail is a safer choice.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Amanos Shrimp

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    5 gallons might be too small for nerites, I have always heard you want 10 gallons per snail. The shrimp will clean the plants but not really the sides of the tank, while the nerites will clean the glass but not really the plants. in the end if you keep up on your water changes you shouldn't have an algae issue to deal with in the first place. Get the one you like the most, and consider any cleaning they might do a bonus. Have fun!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    They're both good cleaners, but I would definitely go with the snail. I had a Betta once who ate my shrimp, so I would be very careful about adding shrimp into that tank. I currently have a snail with my Betta and they get along alright. Once in a while the Betta will try to nip the snail, but because of his hard shell he doesn't get hurt.

    Source(s): Experience
  • 7 years ago

    My Nerite snails don't spend much time on the plants, and this is a heavily planted tank; they mostly roam the sides of the tank where they've recently deposited a ton of eggs, as well as my driftwood, but it seems to be mostly my cherry shrimp and my one Amano that spend time cleaning up on the plants. Most people don't have problems with bettas and shrimp, and Amanos are one of the larger shrimps. Feed your betta enough and this shouldn't be a problem.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    In that size tank the snail i would not put shrimps in there based on tank size had it need 10 gallons then i would of said a few shrimp?

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