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  • Betta with fin rot?

    Before anyone jumps on my case, my betta is housed in a 5gal, heated, filtered, and medium-heavily planted tank. The tank was fully cycled before I purchased her (yes, the full, several month long process of cycling a tank) and the tank has been set up a little longer than a year.

    2 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Stocking ideas for 50 gallon tank?

    There are just so many options as to what I could put in my tank, I'm having a hard time narrowing it down! I wanted others opinions. Here are some of the fish I was looking at.

    Pearl Gourami

    Galaxy Rasbora

    Clown Pleco

    Rubberlip Pleco

    Rummynose Tetra

    German Blue Rams

    Neons/Cardinal Tetras

    Corydoras (particularly Sterbai)

    Boesemani Rainbows

    These were just fish I liked the look of, I do NOT plan on keeping all of them in my tank! I am aware of their schooling requirements, etc. but would like input. A few I would like at least two of (gourami and rams), but other center piece fish ideas are welcome! Any personal experiences with hard water (pH 8.2) and these fish is also wanted.

    My tank is 50gals, will be heavily planted and be properly cycled and heated. I also have 4 fathead minnows I was thinking about adding, but I'm not sure how well they'd like the heat.

    Please? Give me ideas/advice/opinions?

    2 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Best/fastest way to cycle a tank?

    I recently bought a 10gal for my coworkers two betta fish (yes, it will be divided), but before I give it to her I'd like to build up the bacteria in the filter. However, to completely cycle the tank takes a very long time, and I want those fish out of their tiny bowls ASAP. I'm not sure how best to go about this though.

    I know heat, aeration, and seeding the tank will all help, but I'm wondering if I can just hook the filter up to one of my already established tanks?

    Here's what I'm thinking.

    -Seed the filter with media from established tank

    -Hook filter up to established tank

    -Raise temp? Tank has Rosy Red Minnows and the heater only heats to 74-76 F. Would this be enough and/or harmful to the minnows?

    -Let 'cycle' for a week

    Is this a good plan? Will it work or is it simply not enough time? Advice, please?

    3 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Water parameters in 5gal?

    I have a planted 5gal tank, housing one recently purchased female betta after my other boy got dropsy and passed away.

    The tank was completely cycled (yes, I really do know how it works) before anything was added, but the reason I'm asking about water parameters is because when I tested the water when my betta got dropsy, the readings were this.

    Ammonia- 0ppm

    Nitrite- 0ppm

    Nitrate- 0ppm

    I've never had 0 Nitrates before, and I know I followed the directions for testing correctly (shaking the bottle, etc.) so... is this something I should be worried about? I know plants like to eat Nitrate and I want to make sure they have enough. I do dose with liquid fertilizer, but still.

    The bioload isn't that big for a betta, and I have been wanting to add a snail or shrimp for a while (preferable something colorful, but I like Amano for their size). Perhaps that would be enough to bring Nitrate levels back up?

    However, I am worried about shrimp or snails being picked on. At the moment, my current betta is still just a baby and very small. She doesn't seem very aggressive, but curious. I thought adding the shrimp now would give her a chance to get used to them before she's large enough to fit anyone in her mouth. I know they do get aggressive as they grow though too...

    So, basically, I'm asking if anyone has any opinions on shrimp, snails, or if my 0 Nitrate is a problem!


    3 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • 50 gallon stocking?

    Just a hypothetical stocking idea for a 50gal community tank.

    2x German Blue Rams

    3x Sparkling Gourami

    7x Galaxy Rasbora

    6x Rummynose Tetra

    8x Neon Tetra

    1x Candy Stripe Pleco

    6x Cory cats

    What do you think? Is it overstocking? Should numbers be reduced or a whole species be cut out? Again, this is all hypothetical and if it were to happen the tank would be heavily planted (yes, I do have some experience when it comes to planted tanks) and properly filtered, cycled, etc.


    3 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • 50 gallon stocking?

    So I will soon have an empty 50gal tank on my hands, and while all this is still hypothetical I do enjoy planning and this is my first chance to seriously think about a larger tropical community tank.

    This is the stocking I had in mind--

    2x Boesemani Rainbow

    1x Pearl Gourami/Dwarf Gourami

    3x Sparkling Gourami

    7x Celestial Pearl Danios

    6x Rummynose Tetra

    8x Cardinal Tetra/Neon Tetra

    1x Rio-***** Pleco

    6x Cory Cats

    Like I said, this is the first time I've seriously thought about a community tank and I'm afraid this is too much for a 50 gallon tank! Does anyone have advice to offer or adjustments that need to be made?

    Please be aware that I'm quite experienced when it comes to fish tanks, but that I also do extensive research and IF we convert this tank into a tropical community tank it would be heavily planted along with proper filtration and what not. I'm aware of the Nitrogen cycle and it's long process etc. right now all I would like is info on the stocking idea.

    Thank you! :)

    3 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • 50 gallon stocking?

    I recently found a decent home for the Goldfish in my 50gal tank. Since they will all be rehomed soon I'll have an empty tank!

    I've always wanted to have a peaceful, tropical community tank, but my knowledge on different species is fairly limited and I came here looking for advice!

    A few guidelines though, please no easy breeders such as Guppies, Mollies, etc. And please no cichlids either. Looking for 100% peaceful!

    I was thinking lots of different schooling fish with a center piece fish or two, maybe a few bottom feeders along with shrimp and such. I just need help figuring out the specific species! Could anyone give me a list or their own stocking idea? I'd really appreciate it.

    Also, I was thinking about making this a planted tank as well. Just so you know. :)

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Is my fishless cycle done?

    I've only been cycling for a couple weeks, but it seems like my Ammonia is being cycled through within 24 hours already. My Nitrates continue to rise, but Nitrites never even showed up. My pH is also very high.

    I'm a bit at a loss of what to do. Should I continue to add the Ammonia until Nitrites show up (if they ever do) or is my tank ready for fish? Once I do a water change will the pH go down? I'll be adding plants, but right now the pH is too high for them (or the fish) to be comfortable.

    Also, just in case it's important, my tank was seeded from one of mine that was already established. The material is "special" I suppose you could say, designed very specifically for growing bacteria, unlike the regular fabric-like media. Maybe there was enough bacteria on it to turn Nitrites to Nitrates instantly?

    1 AnswerFish7 years ago
  • What's going on with my fishless cycle?

    I'm currently in the process of cycling my 5 gallon tank. Or at least, I'm trying to, but the water parameters have me really confused!

    Alright here's what I got when I just tested.

    Ammonia: 1ppm (I'm following the directions, but it never brings it up to 4ppm like it's suppose to, even after waiting at least 30min after adding it)

    Nitrite: 0ppm

    Nitrate: 10ppm

    pH: 8.4-8.8

    And now a little about my set up. It's 5 gallons, I have a filter (the water level is low, so the filter splashes and creates oxygen for the bacteria) I've added a heater (it's at 75 F, it's automatic and won't go higher) and I also have filter media on the bottom and in my filter from my previously established tanks, along with an ornament. it's been set up like this for about 2 weeks.

    Now, from what I understand cycling is supposed to go from Ammonia to a LOT of Nitrite then to a LOT of Nitrite and Nitrate, then you do a massive water change, and if your tank can cycle 4ppm of Ammonia in 12-24hrs, you're good to go!

    So onto the questions! Why don't I have any Nitrite?! I shouldn't have Nitrate and no Nitrite, right? Why is my Ammonia already cycling so fast? It doesn't feel like it's been long enough for the Ammonia to ever reach 0ppm (which it has) when I've been adding pure Ammonia every day. And will my pH go down eventually?

    If anyone could tell me what's going on or if my cycle has stalled or something, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    1 AnswerFish7 years ago
  • Amano shrimp or Nerite snail?

    I'm in the process of setting up and cycling a 5 gallon planted tank. After it's cycled I plan to add a Betta to it and then I was thinking about a little clean up crew. Many of the plants I'm adding will be Anubias, and I've read they have a tendency to grow algae on their leaves, so I wanted to get something to help with that, should it ever happen.

    Now, the two cleaners I've heard that are very good and aren't picky are Amano shrimp and Nerite snails, but I'm stuck between the two! Of course, if my Betta turns out to be fairly aggressive I'd rather just clean it with my hands, but if we assume the Betta is fairly friendly, what would you suggest?

    On the one hand, snails are fairly messy, but they'd be great for cleaning up the plants leaves (I think?) And shrimp are cute and also good cleaners, but they could possibly be nipped or munched on.

    Which do you think would be the best option for their purpose and the least likely of getting hurt? I don't want any nipped of antenna.

    6 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • How much substrate for a 5gal?

    I have decided I would finally like to start a planted aquarium. I've done research and found some nice low-tech plants and everything else, but before I even think of purchasing them, I need to find some gravel.

    Now, I only have a 5 gallon tank and the 20lb bags of eco-complete I was looking at is just too much gravel. Can anyone help me with finding smaller amounts of a substrate that works just as well for plants or tell me how many pounds of gravel I'll actually need?

    2 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • How to fade a new scar?

    I have a scar on my leg and its fairly recent. It's red and healing and I'd leave it be to fade naturally, but I'm going to a water park for a week on December 1st and I'd rather have it faded by then.

    It's not that bad except for the fact that its long and red. I've been massaging it since I got the cut so its not raised (or pitted or wide), it's just red like I said.

    So what do you suggest for fading it? I've heard of Vitamine E, olive oil, Vaseline, stretch mark creams, etc. but which one should I actually use? Several of them? I don't have the money or the means to go to a store for things specifically made for this, so what would you suggest that I have at home?

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • How to fade a new scar?

    I have a scar on my leg and its fairly recent. It's red and healing and I'd leave it be to fade naturally, but I'm going to a water park for a week on December 1st and I'd rather have it faded by then.

    It's not that bad except for the fact that its long and red. I've been massaging it since I got the cut so its not raised (or pitted or wide), it's just red like I said.

    So what do you suggest for fading it? I've heard of Vitamine E, olive oil, Vaseline, stretch mark creams, etc. but which one should I actually use? Several of them? I don't have the money or the means to go to a store for things specifically made for this, so what would you suggest that I have at home?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Puppy or shelter dog?

    My boyfriend and I have been thinking about dogs we'd like to get in the future. And while it's still more than a year away before we're living together and ready for the commitment of a dog, I like to be prepared and start thinking early on.

    Now, we (mostly I) was thinking of a Greyhound for our first dog. I've heard they're good apartment dogs, which is mostly likely where our first home would be and because I don't like small dogs or excessive exercise, I figured everyone wins with a Greyhound. I haven't done extensive research on the breed yet, so feel free to point out things or share personal stories and experiences.

    Here's where the real question comes in though; do we get an adult dog from a shelter or from a breeder as a puppy?

    I personally want a shelter dog. I figured retired racers would already be fairly well trained and you'd be able to tell their personalities better. And because this would be my first dog, I feel as if an adult might be more forgiving than a puppy if I make mistakes.

    However, my boyfriend is leery of a shelter dog because he's had nothing, but bad experiences with them. I keep telling him it's not the shelters fault that a bad dog was chosen or that the effort wasn't put in to make the dog more well-behaved, but he's pretty stuck in his way. He insists that a puppy would be better because we can mold it more to our liking. He does have a point, but I'm still unsure. I'm afraid we wont have the energy to watch a puppy and train it right away.

    So basically my question is, which do you think is better? A shelter dog or a puppy? And do you have any other recommendations for low energy (read as low exercise required) apartment dogs that AREN'T small?

    12 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Is my Betta depressed?

    Yesterday, I cleaned my Betta's 5 gallon, heated, filtered, and cycled tank. As I was cleaning I sectioned off about 1/3 of the tank to make a temporary home for a Chinese algae eater I unexpectedly got from someone else's science experiment.

    Without having any extra tropical tanks to add him to, this was the best quick fix I could think of. And this is only a temporary home! I'll be looking for a more proper home for him soon. (Pet stores are out, we only have a Wal-Mart.)

    But now, my Betta is acting depressed. He's hiding in corners, he's not swimming around and being his active, normal self, and I tried to show him a pen that never fails to make him flare and go crazy, but this time he practically ignored it!

    I'm really worried about him, this behavior is so strange! He's normally very active, happy, spunky and aggressive (don't worry, the algae eater is completely sectioned off). Now he's being the complete opposite!

    The only possible explanation I can think of is that he's depressed that the size of his swimming space has been reduced. Can anybody else think of a different reason, or perhaps a solution?

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Chinese Algae Eater. Unexpected Problem?

    I recently took in the 4 fancy goldfish from my science lab at school. Nobody else wanted them and I already had a cycled tank for them, plus one poor little guy had mouth rot, so I'm treating him as well.

    The problem is that I got an unexpected Chinese Algae Eater with them. My class wasn't the one experimenting with the fish, so I had no idea he was in there until I went to pick them up after school. Now, I know CAE and Goldfish are NOT meant to be together, but I honestly have no idea what to do with him. I have no extra tanks I can set up and add him to, no filters or anything. The only tropical tank I have is my 5gal Betta tank, but my Betta is rather aggressive and I'd rather not risk the CAE's death.

    The Algae Eater is currently in my 20gal tank with 3 of the fancy goldfish. I know this is not a proper set up for him, so I'm wondering if anyone here can think of a way to help. Any options I'm missing?

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Which girl do you like better?

    What is your first impression of each of these girls?

    Which one is prettier? Which would you like more as a friend? As a girlfriend?

    Just curious :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago