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Lv 5
? asked in Dining OutFast Food · 7 years ago

Job at McDonalds Help!!!!!!!!?

I know I'm not the norm. Gonna be 33 this year, still living with the rents economy is pretty bad and not read to make the plunge, however I got the whole basement to myself and my curfew isn't till 1 AM :). I am wanting that new iphone and I need money parents said they won't pay for upgrade from 5s. Would McDonalds hire me if I only needed like a month or two of work to get my new phone? Thanks a bunch!!!!

10 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    sorry to say but probably not i dint have any luck with them i'm 26 yrs old still living at home to and currently walk out of my job just 2 1/2 months ago there still looking for someone to take my place. and please don't judge me i m not lazy or don't say am to dumb with grammar to get a job. well anyways i applied too mc'Donald's twice at the same location they never call me back and did a third time in a different location still no hope. i have applied to 20 some jobs in a row and only two or 3 called me wanting a job interview. well i wish you better luck then i have had. no if ur wondering why i quite my job i know must people think now days having a job is better then none but put urself in my shoes i been there for close to 6 yrs no the pay wasn't issue well at first i started out as minimum wage then got 3 raises things were great until a new boss took over cut my hours back with no warning, i was working 12 hour shifts until she drop me down too 4 1/2 hours i was no longer allowed the morning/afternoon shift she blamed me for other people's mistakes like one time there was a high school kid who never call in or showed up for their own shift she gets by scott free but am the one who gets yelled at over the phone i kept telling her it my day off but she didnt listen or even cared cause if i did'nt come in to work it she would have written me up for it i always did extra cleaning on the job but it just went unnoticed she told my co workers im too stupidt to read which is so untrue i have a college degree i read adult books like the host (which also is a movie but i like the books better) yeah it horrible people would just let her do want ever she wanted. i even told my supervisor but he just told me there nothing but words and then he started calling me names and all of that. i was under too much stress now that im free im happier but getting tired of the job searching... it just not working my 2 best friends have jobs and are making money it just sucks. im very dependable, i wear clean uniforms, i rarely call in probably 2 or 3 days a year unless i take vacation of course i don't understand y people wouldn't want someone like that working for them. anyways im done rambling. i wish you the best in ur journey i hope u find a job. oh one more thing if u wanna upgraded ur phone look into straight talk prepaid cell phones it actually not that bad and they do have the Samsung galaxy s3 and the i phones u can even bring ur own cell onto their network it only 45 bucks a month everything internet calling texting pix messaging all unlimited it got voice mail too. may wanna check it out available at wal mart or just head to their website.

    Source(s): life, experience, and i have st!
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    They expect you'll quit quickly, but NEVER TELL THEM THAT. Pretend that you seek upwards mobility (ex. manager, corporate, even slowly to fryer), and that is a selling point. It's a given that fast food has 100% turnover.

    Plus, you know that you are supposed to put in 2 weeks when you quit. Plus, why can't you just keep working there? They'll slash your hours anyway, usually from 15-20 hrs to 8-10 for part time. Full-time is non-existent in that field except if you have been working there for 2+ years. You are considered a rock star if you complete that many years, for most people scram. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No I recently worked at a mcdonalds. And they look to hire long term. My orientation for the job was in the town over and they said the same thing.

    Source(s): Past employee
  • 7 years ago

    No they aren't going to hire an unemployed worthless and lazy 33 year old adult male who still lives at home, calls his parents "rents", isn't ready to "make the plunge " into adulthood (WTF are you waiting for?) and has a set curfew.

    Living in your parents basement at 33. You may as well be sentenced to life in prison because you'll NEVER break out of this hopeless situation. I bet you don't even drive a car.

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  • 7 years ago

    I applaud your courage sir! You should ask to be made the Assistant Manager as soon as you are hired. That way you will have plenty of money to get that new Phone! No need to thank me. Just becoming a manager is enough thanks. Tell them you are a fan of the "Monster Mac" and you are a sure in to Management!

    Monster Mac is a real sandwich, don't forget to mention it in your interview!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Eddy, you really need to stop all this. I am going to start to report you to Yahoo for your stupid made up stories. You are not 32, you do not live in a basement, you are not in need of a cell phone, and you are not interested in working at Mc Donalds.

    Now, go back to your stockboy job and let your mom have her computer back.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Go to community college, learn something, and get a real job. But yes, Mcdonalds will hire, just don't say you will quit.

  • 7 years ago

    I wouldnt tell them that you only wantes to work for a couple months. Work full time til you have the money then quit... but maybe you need to look into gettinng a permanent job

  • 7 years ago

    y only macdonals? you can take job in any restaurent .if u really want to work then there is no problm.

  • 7 years ago

    they might hire you it <> depends on who they want. and who they don't want it's up to the employees.

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