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Haze asked in PetsDogs · 7 years ago

Dog collapse after being sick?

Need advise!! Shes a 4yr old staffy, i let her out as normal and she did her business then she came back in and went to be sick so i sent her back out, she was sick and then collapsed onto her side for about 5 seconds shaking, i ran upto her and she got up like a shot and ran away from me scared like she had done something worng or maybe it was just my panic that scared her. She came back in and is acting fine, i have rang the vet and they said to monitor her and if it happens again to take her in. What could this be?

She did eat 12 cupcakes filled with nutella and half a victoria sponge on saturday cos some idiot left the lid off, i went mad she has food allergies anyways but normally just goes bald if she eats something that effects her. But if this was it, why has she been fine all weekend, i have been watching her closely for any signs of illness all weekend and shes been fine, no different. What could this be???


Also shes had normal solid poops, ive been watching for changes in it or being sick but nothing until today

Update 2:

Ive rang a diff vet and have an appointment at twenty past five

Update 3:

It says life threatening pancreatitus several days later :(

Update 4:

UPDATE She has been to the vets and they say shes fine, it could have been from the cake or it could be epilepsy and just a coincident. If it is epilepsy due to side effects of meds, they dont want to put her on meds unless she has frequent severe attacks, which they dont think is likely.

Who said I couldnt afford a vet? She has been to the vet and I rang the vet before even posting this. I agree 100% with you, but i can afford a vet and am more than willing to take my pets if they need to go

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You HAVE to be joking ............ she had 12 cupcakes filled with Nutella plus half a Victoria Sponge. For me that would be enough to suggest a collapse/fit. Did you tell your vet about this? Best I can offer is you do exactly what the vet suggested and monitor her.

    With chocolate an immediate reaction would be more likely if it was going to happen at all (usually you'd just see diarrhoea).

    What happened does sound like a fit, and given the circumstances could be related, but it might just be a coincidence. Watch and wait - and if it happens again, see your vet.

  • 7 years ago

    Your dog could have had a small seizure, but I used to have a dog that would do this on many occassions and it used to worry me so much.

    What happens is that when they are heaving they are not breathing and therefore if they heave a long time then they can momentarily pass out. The vet told me that when they do pass out then they relax and start breathing again, but I used to HATE it and found it very worrying.

    I can't be sure it is this obviously but this is what my dog would do.

  • CDog
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    She could be having effects from the cocoa in the Nutella. They wouldn't necessarily show up right away. Definitely keep a close eye on her. Did you tell the vet she ate chocolate? It also has hazelnuts in it and some nuts are harmful to dogs. I'd google that one if I were you. Good luck.

  • 7 years ago

    If you cant afford a vet you shouldnt own a pet,Period.

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