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Lv 5
? asked in Dining OutFast Food · 7 years ago

TIPs being banned reported by Yahoo News?

I am seeing more and more about TIPs being banned. When do you think this will go through and finally be a illegal thing to do? I personally do not go to resturants because I don't like the fact I have to tip regardless if service was just regular. Now I do TIP at Taco Bell and McDonalds but not at resturants because those I feel forced to and I don't like being forced.

There is a couple stories on yahoo saying that they are pushing to make it illegal which means resturants will have up their wages to 8 dollars an hour. How do you all feel about that?

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Right now it's just discussion/debate rather than something imminent. However, I lived in Italy for almost 14 years and tipping was not common there. Servers were paid a living wage. There were also other differences to the dining experience. I think it's a better deal for the people who work at the restaurants and a better environment to enjoy a meal. It wouldn't bother me if the price of the meal went up to make the change; I already start at a 20% tip when I go out.

  • 7 years ago

    I'm actually against the rule where tiping should be illegal. Some waiters and waitresses only work nights for a limited amount of hours, the bar can't afford to pay them full wage and stay open later on so they rely on tips to float that boat. Good tips are a good incentive for good service. If the service sucks, I'm all for not tiping. Would you like to go to a deadbeat bar where the staff can act how they want and get away with it, it sucks, but the tips are a way to keep them on a leash.

  • 7 years ago

    If the wages go to $8 an hour all the food will be more expensive to buy and the restaurants will all clsoe leaving those serves jobless.

    It's a stupid idea. Tips keep the system honest. Anyone who doesn't understand the concept of tipping is an idiot.

  • 7 years ago

    i think that is great! i use to work at a minimum wage job, $6 an hour.

    however, tips are a little more money, but it wouldn't matter because waiter/waitresses ; their paycheck is shortened because the business assumes they are getting tipped, and on top of that, most tips are shared... like i said, i use to have a minimum wage job at a restaurant and say if i got a 6 dollar tip, i'd be getting 2 dollars ;/


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  • 7 years ago

    So wait staff will earn a fixed wage, just like any other employee. Restaurants will raise their prices to compensate. Customer will no longer be able to reward good service with a generous tip, or punish bad service with a stingy one. The quality of service as a whole will probaby decline. Is that progress?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Tips not an acronym. But proper name?

  • 7 years ago

    Dayna Morales ruined it for all servers

  • 7 years ago

    That would be stupid

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