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Chris H asked in EnvironmentGreen Living · 7 years ago

Seriously considering a solar panel roof but feel overwhelmed?

by all of the information out there. I know there are good and bad sellers/installers, as in any business, but I am in strange territory when it comes to roofs. I don't mind paying for quality work, and i hate to pay for a crap job. I have noticed post offices and other institution buildings with recent solar installations but the contractors don't advertise and the agencies won't give out the info. I'm not looking for a five year fix so I can make a sale. Northern California, redwood forest; limited sunlight.

3 Answers

  • John W
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Learn how to do an Internal Rate of Return calculation and or a Net Present Value calculation. Excel or Google Docs makes this easy. The vendors will talk about pay back time but that allows them to sell you a bad investment and redirect all the benefits to them. You can ask the vendors for references and check up on the references. You can ask your utility for the list of utility approved installers which is what you would want for the grid tied systems.

  • 7 years ago

    With the ever increasing costs of living, it seems that now is just the right time to start seriously considering solar panels for houses. If you are a smart home owner who refuses to pay sky high electric bill month after month, read this article and learn how easy it actually is to make the right choice.

    1. LOW INITIAL COST - Instead of paying tens of thousands of dollars for a retail solar installation, there's this great alternative of making solar panels for houses all by yourself for not more than couple of hundreds of dollars. Many people chose to do so simply because it's a smart choice and when they make their first panel they usually spread the word around really fast, showing neighbors and friends how affordable and doable that actually is.

    2. EVERYBODY CAN MAKE THEM - As with most things in life, people are suspicious about those which they know very little or nothing about. Same goes for making solar panels for houses. You don't have to be a handyman type or a solar energy expert. All you have to do is choose the right DIY (Do It Yourself) material and follow it step by step. Most of such offers are available online and explained in details, so you can easily see which one fits you best.

    3. IT'S ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY - This one doesn't really need an explanation now does it. We should all do the best we can to nurture the planet for the future generations as the generations before us did in the past.

    4. FREEDOM OF BEING INDEPENDENT - Once you have your own solar power electricity, you can actually go off-grid and say good bye to your electric company once and for all.

    5. THE BEST REASON OF ALL; SERIOUS BILL REDUCTION - By making your own solar panels you can significantly reduce your power bill, you can even eliminate it completely. Even better than that, in case you stay on-grid, any surplus of what you produce will make the meter go the other way and the electric company will pay you! It's being done as you read this.

    During these recession times, it's important to protect your pocket book and spend money on more important things than overpriced electric bills. Make your own solar panels for houses and you will feel very good once you see you've done something to become part of the solution, not the problem.

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Build Home Solar Power :
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