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Lv 4
? asked in Computers & InternetSecurity · 7 years ago

what is a good free easy to install firewall for an xpwindows computer?

thank you.

3 Answers

  • Jim
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Comodo free firewall is the #1 rated firewall out there. It works pretty much straight out the box without you having to configure it. It will monitor in/out communicating programs etc and when something tries to send/receive info it will pop up a display and ask you to allow/disallow and show you what is trying to communicate etc.

    They also have a complete free security package,just check around their web site.

    They also have paid versions of these programs which offer 24/hr tech support etc.

    I've been using Comodo for 5 years and it's the best. There are other features, but you will see for yourself.

    Comodo firewall also has "Defense +" which monitor some malware and bad stuff.

    Also it has "HIPS" I think it means "Host Intrusion Prevention System".

    I Googled it to get the right wording but got Kim Kardashian instead.

    Gonna look it up again ha.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    XP (after Service Pack 2) has a firewall on by default. A bit anemic, it does not have outbound protection as good as their later offerings.

    Zone Alarm is a 'middle of the road' offering, and "Comodo" is a very robust one, which may be too much for the less proficient.

    Google for downloads.


    It should be noted that a firewall does NOT stop malware: it only stops unrequested data packets from entering the computer (intrusions), so it's not a substitute for specific malware defense (like an anti-virus, and so on).

  • 7 years ago

    Windows has free security system.For anti-virus, AVG is free.

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