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If I break open a green tea packet and pour the grounds into the blender with my smoothie will I get the same?

benefit as making the tea the usual way? I'm all for "fast" food.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No! No! Don't do it, unless the tea bags are filled with full-leaf tea from Japan. Most tea bags contain tea from China, which is very high in lead content!

    The high lead content is fine when you brew the tea because the paper tea bag filters out the lead, and you are not eating the leaves.

    The "fast" food alternative is Matcha. Matcha is powdered green tea. It is grown in Japan and will make your smoothies healthy and delicious!

    Source(s): Lead in Chinese Green Tea:
  • 7 years ago

    It is fine, I use Matcha a Japanese green tea powder for mine, add it in the early stages, most tea bags are fairly small pieces.

  • 6 years ago

    <b> Hello </b>

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