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How to differentiate this?

How do i differentiate

sinx / cosx


x^2 sin(4x+3)

3 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    it's clear you have a quotient. so use the quotient rule for differentiating.

    Let the numerator be called u(x) and the denominator be v(x). Find the first derivative of u(x) and of v(x).

    Then apply the quotient rule.

    dy/dx = {v(x)[first derivative of u] - u(x)[first derivative of v] } / v^2

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


    d/dx(tan(x)) = sec^2(x)


    using the product rule (d(f(x)*g(x))/dx=f'(x)*g(x)+f(x)*g'(x))


    d(sin(4x+3))/dx = 4cos(4x+3)


    d/dx(x^2 sin(4 x+3)) = 2 x (sin(4 x+3)+2 x cos(4 x+3))

  • cidyah
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    sin x / cos x = tan x

    d/dx (tan x) = sec^2 x

    alternative method:

    y = sin x (cos x)^(-1)

    apply the product rule

    y' = sin x d/dx ( cos x)^(-1) + (cos x)^(-1) d/dx (sin x)

    y' = sin x (-1) (cos x)^(-2) (-sin x) + (cos x)^(-1) cos x

    y' = sin^2 x / cos^2 x + cos x / cos x

    y' = tan^2 x + 1

    y' = sec^2 x


    y= x^2 sin(4x+3)

    apply the product rule

    y' = x^2 d/dx ( sin(4x+3) ) + sin (4x+3) d/dx (x^2)

    y' = x^2 cos(4x+3) d/dx (4x+3) + sin(4x+3) (2x)

    y' = x^2 cos(4x+3) (4) + (2x) sin(4x+3)

    y' = 4x^2 cos(4x+3) + 2x sin(4x+3)

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