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Working from desktop in Windows 8?

I am taking delivery later this month of a new PC running on Windows 8, (presumably in fact 8.1)

I am used to Windows XP and to working from my "desktop" screen. Microsoft claims I can still do this in Windows 8, and that I can set Windows 8 to go to "desktop" instead of the Start screen when I turn on the PC.

Is this so, and will it really feel and behave like what I'm used to with XP?

1 Answer

  • Chas
    Lv 5
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is so. The option can be found by right clicking the start button. There is a big update coming to windows 8.1 later that will give you something more like the start menu. If you however don't like it there is tons of mods for 8. Windows 8 is a good bit different. You can still do everything they way you would of in xp but now there is lots of shortcuts you can learn to make it easier.

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