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Can someone explain to me what the role of the International Taekwondo Federation HQ Korea is?

I know there are 3 International Taekwondo Federations. But I was recently made aware of an organizationa calling themselves ITF HQ Korea. I've been to their website but it is not clear to me who they are and what they represent.


They are based in Seoul. They claim to be an administrative and supportive organization for all ITF practitioners.

You can get individual memberships for all 4 of these groups. Some will just send you a card. Some will send you a certificate and a belt. The cost varies from one group to another. It almost feels like they have stooped to the level of diploma mills.

2 Answers

  • possum
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    If they stated "ITF HQ Korea", then they are probably referring to North Korea. But their site isn't always available, not sure why - though nothing surprises me about that country.

    ITF has HQ in Canada, Austria, and DPRK, however, there could be smaller federations HQ'ed anywhere. The smaller ones try to get members to sign with them, and hoping to capitalize on a korean martial art, they'll state that they're in Korea. Whatever that means.

    Can you post a link to their site?

    Most federations (at least WTF and ITF) because they are governed by a federation: semi-autonomous sub organizations (who, like WTF, may be further subdivided) who are govered by the parent organization. This is a classic "federation". The federation manages only the members of the federation; they do not manage the day-to-day activities of a particular school or individual. In fact, typically, individuals and schools CANNOT join a federation - they must belong first to an organization who is at the lower part of the federation hierarchy. With ITF, the Canadian and Austrian ones at least, it seems individuals can join them, making that not entirely a "federation".

    What many federations as a whole represent is massed numbers to boost legitimacy. Want to be part of the Olympics? Better have a big federation behind you that is represented all over the world. Want to take advantage of common teaching curriculum, instructor certification, competition and teaching opportunities? Better be part of a federation. Want to be able to wear your certified rank from one school to another? Better be part of a federation (read: go to schools that are part of the same federation hierarchy).

    Anyway, post the link so we can have a look.

  • 7 years ago

    My sensi says that all his friends know a.d.d. and you should never know anything but anything called certains or iffins and learn only tae kwons so learn.

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