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Ladies what would you do?

guy and i were good but last week i picked up a lot of overtime to pay for his bday present. I only had one day off and he knew that and was off the same day. I got mad becuase he didn't make plans with me so we haven't seen each other in over a week now. Told him all this but have been working since then and he was texting me like nothing happened.

Today i texted him at 8am and told him that if he doesn't want to be with me just let me know adn i'll never contact him again. Because this issue of him not planning stuff and me doing it has come up before and i want to know it will be resolved and not just ignored. I haven't heard anything from him at all today. HE is at work but as a volunteeer firefighter so he's had downtime by his phone.

What is up he didn't say he doesn't want to be together but he didn't say anything I don't know what to think and i'm off today so i just keep thinking about it but don't want to text him again. Should i wait you think he's pissed bc i called him out and said i woudl never speak to him again if that's what he wanted?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    His disrespectful behavior speaks louder than words. You sound like a very caring girlfriend, you might want to stop waiting for him to treat you with respect, since its not going to happen. Morals and character are developed during childhood, if he doesnt have any now, he probably wont later. You need to find somebody in your own caliber who would be excited to have somebody like you. I think it was very sweet and considerate of you to do what you did, it makes me feel bad for you that he is too immature to see that. Somebody else out there would sure love it though!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    just forget about him

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    He sounds lukewarm about your relationship. Maybe it's time to move on?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


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