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Sick of Smear Campaign Agaisnt UKIP?

It seems the main stream parties and leftist EU worshiping press are desperate and scared of UKIPs rising support so we have daily pathetic smear stories. We now have Orwellian News Speak EUracism what utter tripe if you support UKIP and are EU sceptic you are a racist outsider I say wake up Britain it's not racist to want to have a independent county it's your democratic right! Agree ?


Neil and Corny I am Old Labour like Tony Benn who was also EU sceptic many working class possibly Old Labour voters are turning to UKIP because Labour and a lot of the left are out of touch and a little arrogant . I don't agree with everything UKIP say I am pro gay rights for example but still say on the EU we do need a referendum resorting to names calling like racist or little englander is not having a proper debate and creating hostility with mainstream voters labour really needs to wake up.

Update 2:

It's not just traditional Tory voters turning to UKIP that's a common lie many old Labour old left are because they feel ignored by there natural political home because of the islington set have high jacked the movement and are hostile to patriotism and real democracy supporting elites of so called betters running the show so the EU is great.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Progressives are rightly appalled by the anti-immigrant message being plastered on billboards across Britain by the UK Independence party.

    UKIP will continue to prosper as long as the left refuses to acknowledge public anger against the anti-democratic European Union.

    Nigel Farage's odious outfit claims to speak for ordinary people and not for the well-heeled metropolitan elite who have done so well out of the economic crisis they plunged the country into six years ago.

    Those claims are lies.

    Before throwing his lot in with UKIP, Mr Farage was a city spiv just like the dodgy speculators who caused the financial crash of 2008.

    As an MEP he has gleefully helped himself to the European Parliament's no-questions-asked expenses trough, bragging in 2009 that he had claimed £2 million in this way.

    Just like so many members of the Tory party he once belonged to he clearly has a problem understanding that public money is not his for the taking.

    And far from being an "anti-establishment" party as it likes to pretend, UKIP shares wholeheartedly the Westminster establishment's neoliberal ideology.

    But too much of the labour movement has yet to wake up to the fact that the European Union is also a bosses' institution.

    It's most powerful bodies, the European Commission and the European Central Bank, are not elected by anyone and have been used to enshrine in law a Thatcherite policy of slashing jobs, privatising public services and trashing workers' rights.

    It is intertwined with aggressive US foreign policy and recently played a key role in facilitating the overthrow of a corrupt but ELECTED government in Ukraine by a hotch-potch of free market fanatics, fascist gunmen and homophobic nationalist zealots.

    Poll after poll shows that British workers are no fans of the EU.

    We do need to take back control of our country, not from the foreigners blamed by UKIP, but from the parasitical capitalist class and it's institutions in Westminster and Brussels.

    Source(s): Getting old and I hope a lot wiser
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The EU's biggest supporters are Christian Democrats, so RIGHT-WING.

    The parties most fearfull of UKIP are also Moderate RIGHT-WING, because they're vying for the same voters.

    So you're wrong there, and that ignorance will cost you in the votes(it's how Tories, and Christian Democrats steal votes back, because you're so busy hating on Socialists, that Tories, and Lib-Dems will suggest, they actually do know what the problem is, unlike you).

    Secondly, UKIP loves the hate, without it, they would be irrelevant, so the more 'smear', the better.

    Source(s): The major problem you're failing to recognize, is that POLITICS are the problem, so more POLITICS, no matter what side, or what color, aren't gonna fix anything.
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Slowly over time we've been inching towards what goes on in US elections

    Instead of just telling voters what they will do when they're in office they focus on running smear campaigns against the opposition parties which leaves people little else but to decide who seems the least worst instead of who is the best

    Fortunately these slurs against UKIP should do nothing to change anyone's mind if they want out of the EU as there is no other choice

    And seriously, is anybody dumb enough to think someone from UKIP would have personally selected any of the actors?

    Of course not. They will have hired an advertising company to do all this. Duh!

    But why anyone wants to be nothing but a Federal EU state is beyond me. Wages for most of us will continue to go down as more poor countries come on board. While those in control will only get richer

    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I can not see why people are having a go at Corny. I find that her views are fair but I guess people will read into her posts the way they want to see it. I am neither right or left but see the good and the bad side of every Party. Whatever way UKIP turns out, whether they are genuine or not, Farage is coming out with a lot of home truths that his opponents don't like hearing.

    There is a lot more anti UKIP sleaze to come just the same as the Better Together club in the place I have always called The Den Of Iniquity (Westminster). That place really is a rat infested ghetto.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    UKIP are experiencing the dirty side of the relationship between the press and political parties, and they don't like it. They seem to have the idea that they should be excused the scrutiny that all political parties are put under.

    The latest round of candidates that Farage has had to expel from the party. Is it all a smear? Or did he have good reason to kick them out?

    There is no smear - the ugly side of UKIP is being exposed and UKIP don't like it, so are crying "smear".

  • Personally I am sick of people telling me that EVERY single Left wing person is in love with the EU. I have said that I am undecided how I would vote in the Referendum (should we ever get it). Yet I am told day in day out on here that I am in love with Brussels and I do not like national sovereignty and I am pro immigration, utter nonsense every word of it!!!! What I am concerned about with UKIP is that it does not represent ME as a person. It is a party which would like to send my children to an inferior secondary modern school if they fail their 11+. It will reduce my right to belong to a Trade Union, it will abolish my right to sick pay, bank holiday leave, a minimum wage etc. It will deny me the choice of going back to work as it will decrease my right to work flexible hours while my children are young. In fact it will decrease my right to choose if I wish to return to work as I have children. It will stigmatise against me as an unmarried mother. It will bring in an immigration cap which is going to worsen the recruitment crisis in the NHS. And heaven forbid I lose my job, because despite the fact I have paid taxes for years, it will prevent me claiming any benefits whilst I look for another job.

    People say we should not look at UKIP as a one trick pony, well as I do not rate the EU Referendum as one of my top priorities I do not. I look at their other policies and I do not like what I see. Yet somehow Kippers think that makes me pro EU, and don't see the irony behind what they say.

    I do not just look at Farage, I look at the type of people who UKIP attracts, and to be blunt, there are too many of them who hate "me and my kind" for me to EVER consider voting UKIP.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Well corny I suggest the reason people draw such conclusions is exclusively down to what you write here. Maybe you might be more careful if you don't want us to get the wrong impression?

    As far as Ukip are concerned they would tighly take comfort from all the fuss they have caused. If the liberal establishment were not so worried about losing their stranglehold on power they would not be behaving like spoilt schoolchildren who cannot get their way at all times.

    I believe most kippers will be immune from this daily 'two minutes hate' and will vote according to their consciences, something maistream politicians do not seem to have any more. I wish Ukip well.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    maybe though the press are finding it easy to report things that UKIP members have actually said or written, and it makes UKIP seem racist - whose problem is that?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Hi Jack

    UKIP have morphed into a Anti Establishment Party and are now beginning to represent the peoples seething hatred for the political class. No Matter how much dirty the main three throw at UKIP it doesn't work they just get stronger and I expect more much will be thrown at them in these next few weeks but I expect UKIP will do even better in the polls in the coming weeks also they've been moved into first place by these attempts to scorn UKIP

    You examine UKIP's popularity every single time they get smeared it rockets these tactics from the establishment are ineffective

    And for Neil to prove it's not only centre right Parties that should be afraid.

    The more popular UKIP get the nastier the smear tactics get but they only serve to strengthen UKIP Farage is unsinkable


  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Politics isn't about politics anymore but by having an army of geeks scanning the internet looking at their opponents' tweets then announcing their finds a week before an election so it's still fresh in the voters' minds.

    Personally I think calling someone a chink is a far less serious "crime" than stealing 50 grand of our money to build a duck pond

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