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Susan M asked in Food & DrinkEthnic Cuisine · 7 years ago

Mexican soldiers come into the US often, how do you feel about that?

They shoot an American for no reason in the US. Shouldn't the US State Department sue for the Mexican government pay the injured man's hospital bill?

Our border let's everyone in but us. We can get locked out and are locked in.

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's up to the victim to sue the Mexican government, not the State Department. It has been happening for years though, The San Diego police department had a special unit to fight smuggling and crime in the immediate area of the border. During the first six months of its existence, six police officers were killed; three American and three Mexican in pitched battles with each other.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    the undocumented pay billions in payroll taxes, says the seattle times

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