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what kind of college grant are there?

My tuition + book cost is about $20000 an year. I am in junior in university and I am getting pell grant that covers about $5600 an year. What kind of grant can I get and where do I find them? I went financial aid office but they only had booklets for loans, not actual grant. I am getting about 3.2 gpa point and some scholarships are available for me but it missed due date for summer classes. What kind of other grant can I look for from fall semester?

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    The pell grant is a federal grant based on the income of both you and your parents. You get it by filling out the FAFSA. If you've done that and were not awarded a pell grant then that means you were not eligible (income too high). Some states have their own grant programs. Sometimes these require a separate application and sometimes only the FAFSA.

  • 하하
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    There are no other ones. You have no business going to such an expensive school with your mediocre grades and poverty level income.

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