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How long will it take for the NHS to Send me an Admission Date? UK?

I had an admission date in January from the NHS, but they cancelled it and they said they are going to send me another one as soon as possible. it's been 4 months and they still haven't sent me one. so i gave them a ring, and they said that my doctor has gone on holiday and they will try and fit me in at the end of June or the beginning of July.

How long do you think it will take them to send me an admission date?

1 Answer

  • Ali
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    You could consider

    1. You have been advised you might possibly be scheduled end June/early July

    2. If you condition has become more urgent, book an appointment to see your referring GP who can formally chase up and confirm dates for your admission and procedure.

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