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Is 1280 a good score for the SATs?

it was my first time taking it, with no practice.

Crit. Reading - 440

Math - 410

Writing - 430

i also plan on taking it again, in the fall.

5 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well it was your first time but a 1280 score isn't good the average is around 1500. If I where you I would study hard for the SAT's in the summer and work on getting that score up

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It's not really that good. You might wanna aim for like a 1400. Maybe try again in the fall and use some of those SAT prep books and you can also find SAT prep stuff online that should help a lot

  • 7 years ago

    No, not a very good score: you should get the prep book and drill with all those practice exams. It'll do you a lotta good.

  • Noel
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    That's pretty low. I'd study a lot and take multiple practice tests and then take it again in October.

  • 7 years ago

    While it is not very good if you are just starting high school, it is OK.

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