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Do people on here really believe that we have no background checks at all when buying a gun, or do they knowingly perpetuate misinformation?

I mean seriously. We all understand that there are in fact background checks done whenever you buy a gun from a dealer, and in most states when you buy it at a gun show. People seem to think, or at least imply, that there are no background checks at all.

Follow up question. Some of the biggest "sensible gun control" measures currently in place are The Brady bill, The gun control act of 1968, and the Lautenberg Amendment. Please , in detail, explain to me what additional "sensible gun control" measures you believe should be implemented and how we should implement them.


@Kevin yes he did. even though California has even stricter gun regulations. like handgun registration, magazine restriction, assault weapons bans, open carry bans, and even a Handgun purchases require a Handgun Safety Certificate. Yea. so. what exactly do you propose, and how shall we implement it?

Update 2:

So basically, no. No one on here who wants some sort of new "sensible gun control" can actually define it, or lay out the implementation. this leads me to believe that you are in fact not taking a moment to think about it rationally. Now come on. you guys always claim that we are anti science, anti logic, so lay out the science and the logic if you actually have any.

19 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Gun owners have also paid the Pittman-Robertson excise tax (proposed by hunters!) since 1937.

    Personally, I think universal background checks are a good idea, if done properly: they should be private, not requiring the use of an FFL license holder, and free to both the buyer and seller. Let those who DON'T own firearms pony up the money to pay for it, and have some of those who want further restrictions figure out the privacy issues involved. Perhaps using a phone app that requires the OK of the buyer and seller to access the NICS would work.

    By the way, it's absurd to think that "40% of sales don't require a background check." That sort of cherry-picked number from a small and overtly atypical sample, extrapolated to the whole population, doesn't help the discussion.

  • 7 years ago

    I doubt it.

    My entire family is college educated and they do not even bother with any research.

    Just say whatever pops into their mind and act like they are right and you are wrong.

    If that doesn't work they either change the subject or repeat an already answered question over and over.

    So basically they are dumb conditioned animals.No brains.No clue.No desire to learn or understand.

    Then they eventually age and cement their beliefs with no hope of change.

    Sometimes you can save an individual from insanity.Society at large is always going to be irredeemable.

    All you can do is to save as many individuals as you can before you get killed or imprisoned.

  • 7 years ago

    I've never SAID that there are NEVER background checks.

    The FACT is that there are NO background checks on 40% of gun sales, making it much too easy for criminals and people with violent pasts to buy guns.

    BTW, 90% of Americans support universal background checks for gun purchases. It's not ONLY people here who agree with that one, obviously right policy.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    More so on the side of misinformation... You have to understand that a very large majority of people don't actually do their own research.. They just refuse to open a book and actually read.. They simply get their information from one source and reiterate that information whether its wrong or right.. The scary part is large majority of these people are college educated and still don't know how to do their own research.. Harsh but True..

  • 7 years ago

    And yet Elliot Rodger still managed to buy a gun.

  • 7 years ago

    They really have no idea....they just believe what they are told.

    @Wiz - have you ever BEEN to Mexico?

    Everyone there is armed. The only people who get arrested are hapless veterans who cross the border by mistake.

    My grandson was in Mexico City on New Years Eve, and was impressed with all the celebratory gunfire.

  • 7 years ago

    They have no idea....they've never looked into buying one, so they just parrot what they hear from anti-gun mouths.

    California has strict background and registration laws.....and mass shootings still happen there. You cannot stop a bad person with laws.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

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  • R T
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    They knowingly perpetuate the spin that best suits their position. On this forum, it's more about kicking the hornet's nest than any real, substantive dialog.

    Source(s): ///
  • 7 years ago

    My mom got a gun for my dad for Christmas. She does not have a permit. She had a relative get it. That is legal and it's that easy.

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