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I have a 1st Gen Ipod nano 1G not really working on ebay & some guy really wants to buy it $40, why?

Pulled it out of a drawer and listed it for a starting bid of 10 cents for laughs.

I was very clear in my description that it comes on, plays, buttons sort of work when they feel like it, the screen is dim and doesn't light up any more even though you can see it, of course it's worthless in the dark.

I also included pictures of the original unit being charged, front and back and deleted the stock photo ebay tries to get me to use because it's deceptive. Mine is not perfect like the picture.

The guy asking me to sell it to him for $40 after I change it to a 'buy it now'. His feed back is flawless and he buys more than he sells, but what he does sell it the exact same item, a Gen7 ipod's.

Why would someone find this valuable?

Thanks for your help.

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Two words: Collector's item!

    Source(s): I'd totally buy it, if I were him! In fact, I'd love it because I don't even have any iPod Nanos!
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