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"Can equality be given to every person's religious belief?"?

I had this question targeted by someone for "abuse". Will someone tell me how I cause offense?

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Only by saying free will allows for everyone to express his own belief opinion. That is the equality.

    If you may mean, does every form of belief have equal standing with God?

    That latter question has a simple answer. No. Why not? Again very simple. We claim to worship a God of truth. Since obviously all things are not true, true belief and false belief do not have equal standing with God.

    On the other hand, the god of this world promotes falsehood. And he misleads people into thinking all things are lawful with God. Not true.

    Perhaps the one who reported the question is a person who has been misled by Satan and does not even realize it. That can and does happen.

    Source(s): John 17:17 "Your word is truth." nwt
  • Pancho
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Someone posted this idiocy: "Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong." - (Christopher Hitchens). Hitchens was not a thinker. He was a writer, yes. An author, polemicist, debater, journalist, and socialist. So? He still didn't know the subject of religion. I wasn't impressed with him. As for what you said, the answer is "no, of course not." Beliefs and truths are two entirely different things. Within the Christian tradition(s), for example, one finds many primitive notions, many beliefs that cause intelligent people to shudder. People come to all kinds of ridiculous conclusions based on what they've read in scripture. Meaning what? That scripture is wrong? No. It means that all too often, people do not know what they're reading. It cannot be said that all religious beliefs are equal because some beliefs are those of intelligent people who came to those conclusions based on sound thinking. Other people, however, jump to conclusions without having thought things out. And that's why beliefs are not all equal ...

  • No, not if it interferes with another person's rights or safety.

    For instants, Certainly no one should be able to make sacrifices of other human to a volcanic God of their own. That wold infringe on the other persons right.

    People misunderstand equality never meant total conformity. It allows for certain variations. Because we as people are different. Are all humans, by nature, equal - Do they, by nature, have the same abilities, strength, health, power, capacity, or courage? Are they balanced, evenly proportioned, or uniform in effect or operation?

    No, Humans, by nature, are not uniform or equal in any sense of the definition. So in many things like law we have to balance that factor to treat all fairly .

    No, your question was not offensive. Seems some people are unwilling to tolerate opinions that differ from their own. Rational discussion often takes a back seat to the outpouring of unresolved anger on forums.

    I think there also exists a phenomenon in which some people are reluctant to concede even the most obvious point for fear that it will undermine their position on anything and everything. The more flawed their entire world-view is, the more pronounced this tendency becomes to report what and who they don't like. .

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I am not sure what group of Christians are doing the new round of reporting, but I am relieved to say that the appeals process is back and it works. Now they even send emails when they restore your points.

    Because of the nature of the reported questions and answers, it could only be a Christian who didn't like what I said about Christianity (though the appeals people disagreed with the reporter)

    In your case, it was probably reported because Christians hate the idea of equality. It is against their religion. If all religions are equal, then all people are equal, and if all people are equal, then they are not special.


    But we should never allow equality among all religions. The Nazis had their own version of Christianity (Bible Based), and look what they did with it. The slave owners loved the religion because it taught slaves to be joyfully obedient or have their misery continue forever in Hell. Certain demoniations used it to sanction genocide of the indigenous American people, buring witches alive, burning Jews alive, burning heretics alive, the Crusades - that was simply a raping and pillaging campaign that promised entry into heaven as long as God received his fair portion of the bounty.

    Should that be equal with a pacifist religion?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Yes....Love, Tolerance, and Humility begets Equality....

    Chant Hare Krishna and be Happy!


  • 7 years ago

    -Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong.- Christopher Hitchens


  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Equality is good and benefits everyone.

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