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avsgirl4ever asked in PetsDogs · 7 years ago

how to remove poop smell from dog?

Yesterday, my long haired Border Collie came in from the backyard wreaking of poop. I soon discovered that he had apparently rolled in it, and his neck, chest, behind ears, and collar were covered. I bathes him thoroughly with shampoo but he still stinks. Any ideas what I could use to get the smell out?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I would be wary of any remedies or human shampoos, albiet they might have strong scents to cover the small. Dog's need a PH-Balanced shampoo, otherwise you risk harming their skin and fur, and as we all know, bath time is already atraumatic time for the dog lol. I actually use gus and kenzo shampoo on mine, it's organic and ph-balanced and it actually has a pretty strong (and actually amazing) scent. Somewhat citrus, but not overpowering. It should cancel out any odours present on the dog. Add a little conditioner and you'll have yourself an amazing coat too hehehe. Good luck!

    Source(s): Dog-owner
  • 7 years ago

    There are many various sprays that can kill bad odors on dogs. I have 3 in my grooming parlour and the one that seems to work the best is one with febreze in it. Using a good quality dog shampoo, especially one that is oatmeal based, will NOT dry out your dogs skin is you rinse thoroughly after bathing.

    Source(s): groomer
  • 7 years ago

    My dogs are healthy and do not need baths, just daily brushing even though they frequently roll on dead animals. Only if they mess with skunks then I use the following:

    As soon as you realize your dog has been sprayed by a skunk, don some rubber or latex gloves and old clothes and look her over for bites or scratches. Also check her eyes for redness or discharge. If any injuries are found, you should contact your veterinarian before proceeding.

    Time is of the essence here - the longer you wait to begin the process, the harder it will be to remove the stench. Get set up for bathing your dog outdoors or in an easy to clean area of your home (laundry room, bathroom, etc). If indoors, open a window to save your nose!

    Apply a small strip of eye lubricant (such as Puralube) or 1-2 drops of mineral oil to your dog's eyes. This will help protect the eyes in case any of the solution splashes or drips in.

    In the plastic container, combine 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 to 2 teaspoons of Dawn liquid soap. Mix ingredients well. The solution will fizz, as a chemical reaction is occurring. Use immediately - do not store.

    Do not soak your dog with water prior to bathing. Promptly begin cleansing the affected areas thoroughly, massaging the solution deep into your dog's coat. Avoid getting the solution in the eyes, ears or mouth.

    Allow the solution to remain on your dog for at least ten minutes (longer if strong odor persists).

    Rinse your dog well with lukewarm water. Repeat steps 3-5 as necessary until odor is gone.

    Then mix 1/2 white vinegar and water leaving on for ten minutes, rinse well and repeat and rinse well again.

    Dry your dog well and give her a treat!


    NEVER place the solution in a closed container or spray bottle, as the pressure will build up and the container could burst. This could cause serious injury to you and your dog.

    DO NOT use higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide or substitute baking soda with "similar" products. The altered chemical reaction could cause severe injury to you and your dog.

    Be certain you use fresh hydrogen peroxide, as it becomes less concentrated over time. If you are unsure how old your hydrogen peroxide is (or if it is expired) get fresh bottles just in case.

    The solution can be used to remove skunk odor from clothing and other fabrics. However, it can have a mild bleaching effect on some materials. In addition, your dog's coat may become slightly lighter as a result of the solution. If this happens, it should resolve over time. Don't worry, your black dog will not become a platinum blond!

    To help avoid future meetings between skunks and your dog, try to prevents skunks from becoming attracted to your property. Do not leave food outside, including bird seed and fallen fruit from trees. Make sure garbage cans are well-secured. Placing moth balls and ammonia-soaked rags around your property might deter skunks from approaching. In addition, keep your dog within eye shot and keep her from running into wooded areas unattended.

  • 7 years ago

    This is so nasty .... how many times has it happened with mine and it's not just restricted to dog pooh either. We have anything from that left by other dogs (rarely) to fox pooh (as bad as skunk) to even human pooh (and I'm loving my lunch right now!!). I'd use a medicated shampoo which tends to smell stronger than most others but your dog is bound to not be amused - just as he'd found something good to smell like, you go and spoil it all LOL

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  • 7 years ago

    You've washed him and the poop smell will wear off. OTOH, if it really bothers you, there is always the old skunk smell remover recipe:

    1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

    1/4 cup Baking Soda

    1 teaspoon liquid soap

    (Dawn Dish washing detergent is often recommended, but any dish soap will work)

    Rubber or latex gloves

    Mix in an open container (bucket or bowl). Once mixed, use it immediately. Do not attempt to keep any of it. Wet your dog down with warm water. While the mixture is still bubbling, message it into his coat. Be careful not to get any of it in your dog's eyes, nose or mouth. This needs to stand 10 minutes, then thoroughly rinse. Protect the eyes when rinsing the head. If you were using this for a dog that was skunked then you could try to carefully sponge some solution on his face. and carefully rinse after 10 minutes. BTW, any dog that gets sprayed in the eyes by a skunk needs to see a vet because skunk spray in the eyes is very painful.

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