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What is it like to be a liberal and hate America, the country you live in?

13 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Don't you realize that when you have nothing but lies, you've lost the argument?

    All the people who keep telling you that liberals hate America are liars who have been lying to you. Supporting liberty, and basic American values, and wanting what is good for America and its citizens isn't hate.

    The GOP, who want nothing but the ruination of the lives of most Americans, and who oppose every value America has ever supposed to have stood for, are the ones who hate America.

    So, YOU tell US what it feels like to hate America.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    They are not born hating their own country, but they are indoctrinated into the Cult of Liberalism in public schools and colleges. The liberal news and entertainment media continue to push the idea that the USA is a bad country that must be weakened both economically and militarily; that is what Obama has achieved.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I don't hate America.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago


    to these misguided fools all cops are white.....lie

    all republicans are greedy rich white men...lie

    everyone on the right is stupid...lie

    human beings are destroying the planet…lie

    opposing gay marriage is hate…lie

    Castro has built a great society…lie

    everyone on the left is smart...lie

    all tea partiers are racist...lie

    Mao was a reformer not a mass murderer...lie

    Opposing illegal immigration is hate…lie

    Hitler was a conservative...lie

    all black people are inner city poor people...lie

    all conservatives are intolerant...lie

    and on and on and on...and its all lies... their entire philosophy is based on these lies and they deny it all ....the biggest lie


    I hate right wingers

    I hate America

    I hate Sarah Palin

    I hate the tea party

    I hate GW Bush

    I hate anyone who disagree with me

    I hate religious people

    I hate I hate I hate on and on and on…they are too stupid to realize that ANY ideology based on hate and lies as their’s obviously is is not only wrong but evil and destructive

    Conservatives absolutely baffle and exasperate Liberals. Why? Because Conservatives appear to have solid beliefs while the Liberal is lucky if he can formulate some vague, hazy philosophy of things. When the Conservative argues with the Liberal, the Liberal feels he must lash out for fear of discovering that his whole imaginary world is just that: fiction.

    So, Liberals preach "tolerant", but only tolerance for THEIR viewpoints. Anything else is heresy. Just try confronting a Liberal with the facts about global warming and he'll practically start foaming at the mouth. The mind of the Liberal cannot acknowledge that a Conservative is right because the fuzzy Liberal mind is like a shaky house of cards. If the Liberal realizes he's wrong about one thing, it totally destroys their whole imagined reality he has constructed for himself.

    So when Liberals scream like threatened children when you talk about FOX News, or Rush Limbaugh, it is because their brains are not wired to accept contradictory information. I read extensively; both from the Left and the Right. I put my beliefs to the test by really checking if they are based on fact, evidence, and not just conjecture and a psychological construct.

    Liberals cannot do this. It would destroy their carefully-crafted dream world existence.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    i dont hate america itself i hate america's government, it's ignorant spoiled people and it's history of repression and hypocrisy but i am a citizen born on this soil and i love the wildlife, the fresh air and i guess some of the people can be cool

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    What's it like not being able to recognize a lie when you hear one ??

  • Spocko
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    The right has this bizarre narrative that liberals hate America. That narrative has no connection with reality. When a conservative falls back you "liberals hate America" or "Liberals are un-American" instead of presenting arguments which support their own position, then those conservatives are being intellectually lazy.

  • 7 years ago

    It was miserable. This is dating back pre-2011 when I was liberal and hated America.

    I am now a Libertarian, who is a concerned patriot. I don't want the country of a good repute to be downgraded to something less.

    EDIT @ Righton: I began taking the upper division political science courses, and dove deeper into politics than the casual observer or informant. I had reached the decision not only after becoming fed up with the GOP and Dems but as part of relizing that this country was #1, and I want it to be #1 again. Freedom is what it was known for, and as freedoms are stripped one by one and culture here becomes bland and stagnant we need to recover.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I do not concur.

    Did I win the free pizza?

    Where is my pizza?


    What a ripoff.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It must be miserable.

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