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Hydroplane Racing: to anyone who watched the final heat at SeaFair on sunday, was that start LEGAL to you?

On the replay, 3 boats crossed the line before the clock hit 0, reviewed for 30 minutes and seen as a good start..WTF?

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I saw it like you did, my only thought on it is there must have been some time synch issue between the camera on the boats and the camera on the clock. we will never know as we were not part of the broadcast crew but there were a lot of starts that seemed to happen like that through the day so to me it seems like there may have been some kind of a time delay on the camera that was on the clock so what it was showing you was actually a half or a full second late. the judges also were looking at the crossover which is why i think they took so long to reach a decision not because of the start.

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