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Tee-Rex asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

A question for America whether conservative or Liberal?

Two Americans one a Doctor and the other a Nurse both great humanitarians and both have Ebola don't get me wrong as American citizens they should be allowed to return home for treatment my question is this Both caught the disease while wearing Hazmat suits now there is a lot of citizens scared about it spreading here in America don't they have the right to be worried about this deadly disease spreading consider this one fact 21 million people enter America just through New York alone on flights from that area of the world without the usual sarcasm can we answer this question Are we at risk considering the Doctor and his assistant Nurse both taking every precaution and wearing the Hazmat protection suits caught it what do you think

12 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Logic dictates that they did not wear the hazmat suits all the time. Ebola is transmitted by bodily fluids. Unless you plan on going to the hospital that these two are at and changing their bed pan or swapping blood with them, you would be just fine.

  • 7 years ago

    Back in the 1980s we were having the same argument about AIDS. Scientists talked about how the HIV virus could be transmitted, but ignorant people though they might catch it just from being in the same room with an HIV-positive person, breathing the same air. So they wanted HIV-positive people banished to an island, or sequestered in a sealed prison, or something like that. Some saw it as a disease only gays got and wanted ALL gays locked up or deported! It was a battle between ignorance and compassion. Then politicians got involved, and you know ignorance is a much stronger and more effective tool for them than compassion or science.

    Ebola is just bacteria. We know how to handle bacteria! We certainly know how to protect people against it. People who use hazmat suits know they are not 100% effective and that they are still running some risk. But we also know how to isolate contagious patients.

    Bringing home American citizens who catch Ebola will allow us to learn better how to fight the disease and how to care for victims. NOT bringing them home, considering them 'lost' and just leaving them there to die, will not protect us from ebola because, as you say, you can't scan people for it at the border.

    Now I know conservatives today are conditioned to hate -anything- the government does. But one of the most effective branches of our government is the CDC, our anti-epidemic infrastructure. They were put together after a flu epidemic about the time of WWI killed more people in the US and Canada than the war itself! And we haven't had another outbreak like that since! Almost a century. THEY know how to handle ebola! I trust them more than I trust ignorance-endorsing politicians and Bible-thumpers and hate-mongers.

  • 7 years ago

    I don't think we are at risk. The doctor and nurse who contracted the disease were not wearing full hazmat suits during every contact with infected patients. The claim that "they caught the disease while wearing hazmat suits" is a bending and stretching of the truth, likely done by people with a political motive to panic the American public and bring into question federal institutions like the CDC.

  • 7 years ago

    Also keep in mind that the CDC said our blood supply was safe during the Aids epidemic yet later found out the supply was contaminated

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    What makes you think they were wearing hazmat suits when they caught it??

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Here's the best response I've seen to this so far:

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    think of how many undocumented illegals bring disease in here too.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    This is not Govt / Politics just more BS from the peanut gallery and pathetic people of YA's !!!

  • jimmy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    according to the CDC, no!..but they said the same thing about the Walker disease,, and THAT wiped out humanity!

    Source(s): the Walking Dead
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    They should have left them in Africa USA citizens or not.

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